
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pass with flying colors?

Yo Ladies.

My sweet little boy wanted a Ninga Turtle cake. This is the best that I could muster, my most valiant effort. Is it good enough? I'm counting on honest answers, and I need 'em fast. If this cake stinks, I still have time to buy one.


Lori said...

looks good to me... I could have guessed what it was!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ Looks great! Lane has been loving TMNT too. We rented the movie and he was in HEAVEN! :)

Ashley said...

Wow..I think it looks great! Better than anything I could have cooked up.

just jamie said...

It look awesome Misty! Now, don't put it on top of your kitchen cabinets.... :)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Totally cool!

What does he think? I usually ask first and by their reaction I can tell if I need to run to the store for a bought one ;-)

Thompson family said...

It looks just like Leonardo...he only needs a sword to cut the bad guys in half! Haha! Tell Ian happy birthday for us. We're going to Colorado this to ya when we get back!

Linda said...

You did a GREAT job on this cake...I'm seriously impressed!

Hope your party turns out wonderful, I'm sure it will!!

Anonymous said...

OH, it's greatness! Perfect! I bet he loves it!

Lei said...

He oughtta love it! SO cute!

Amy said...

I love it. And I was going to say what Jamie said!

Lindsey said...

I really like it! Great job!

Laski said...

Ugh. This totally wasn't fast enough . . . but you gotta now it is GREAT!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

Klin said...

Sorry I'm late. I totally knew it was a Ninja Turtle.

I sure hope you didn't buy one. I would've lacked love.

That's an awesome job there, mom.

Pokeyann said...

Great Job! I can't decorate to save my soul, I even took the class and everything, so excellent work!

Cecily R said...

I know I'm late to the party (HA! punny), but I love your cake. YOu should see the LAMENESS that was Evie's yesterday. So, so sad. But tasty.