
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Let's play a game.

Remember my grand plans to have my house spring cleaned in a week? I made that plan a couple months ago, and instead of spring cleaning, I had a spring melt down. It was my birthday month and all that goes with it. Yearly, around my birthday, I reface thinking of both (failed) mothers and I reface the memory of my mother abandoning my sister, brother, and I years ago when we were small. It's a sad month for me. My melt down has left my spring cleaning on the to-do list, which I am supposed to start today. As we speak plans are in the making to get close and comfy with my bathroom until it shines. I already roped Ian in for help. Sucker.

Let's play a game today. See this pan? It's on top of my kitchen cabinets. What I want you to tell me is:

A. How long you think it's been there.

B. What do you think is on it.

Happy guessing for you. Happy toilet scrubbing for me.


Lori said...

good luck with the spring cleaning

I say it's been there for 2 months and there is a lid to a pan on it

just jamie said...

What is wrong with me that I feel all challenged to go shine *my* bathroom now?

Okay, I think that cookie sheet has been up there for 6 weeks. It has magnet ABC letters on it. And you took it away from Olivia one day because all the pieces were driving your crazy.

Just a guess.

Are You Serious! said...

♡ A craft project and it's been a couple of months! :)

Good luck on the cleaning! That's what I'm working on today too! YUCK!

Anonymous said...

Happy cleaning! Be sure and give yourself a break, complete with a gooey ice cream sundae, because YOU SURVIVED. :)
I say this cookie sheet has been there for 7 months...and it has nothing on it but dust bunnies b/c it was originally there to catch a leaking roof. How 'bout them apples???

Lara Neves said...

Very fun game...ummmm...if it were my house, it's been there for 3 months and it actually has cookies or brownies on it. Because that is how I hide them from the kids is to put them way up there. Of course, by now they're moldy or petrified or something. :)

Good luck spring cleaning!

I have a good life said...

Happy Spring Cleaning! When you are done...could you come scrub my needs it! :)

Pokeyann said...

Oh, how I hate the bathrooms! Best of luck to you. And I say the pan has been there a week and it has cookie paraphernalia on it. And if not, then dude, why aren't you making cookies? Because you cleaned the bathroom and stuff so you should have mounds of cookies!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

In my house it would probably be full of dried bread bits that I was saving to make into bread crumbs...and now they're dust-covered because I forgot them....

Lei said...

well, if you're like me (or rather your kids are like mine), you've baked some cookies and up there is the only place out of their constant reach!

Mandi said...

Hey - I just posted a response to your comment on my blog, I dont know if you get advised when I reply to you (such a blogging newbie) but thought I would tell you.
As for your tray - hmmmm I think it has play dough people on it and you put them up there to dry probably (if your anything like me)about a year ago!!! HA HA HA, cant wait to hear what is actually on it, luv Mandi

Acacia said...

Hmmm...I'm with Lei. Cookies. I'll be generous and say 3 days.

How's the spring cleaning going???

Acacia said...

P.S. Misty, tonight was the first time I've seen your blog since you switched addresses (again) and I just had to say how much I've missed your posts. Your story is amazing, your photography is superb, and you are an inspiration. I looked at the picture of the map your grandfather drew and dropped my jaw...I never realized how much we had in common until then. If you are so inclined, I'd love to get in touch with you via e-mail. My address is:
thornytreelady -at- gmail -dot- com
Hope to hear from you soon!

Marie Rayner said...

It looks like a baking sheet and I am guessing some cookies that got forgotten in the oven? Probably wrong, but there you go!