
Friday, May 23, 2008

Help A Sista Out.

Meet this girl. That's me. I have a confession to make. I have a problem. A big one. A huge flaw. I'm a wreck. I'm guilty.

I HATE doing laundry. Hate, hate, HATE it. No doubt, I'm telling the truth.

The problem is that I do really well at keeping up on the laundry for a week or two, and then.... then I have weeks like this where I've let it ALL slide. And slide in a big way.

This is the laundry in my room. Still waiting for attention.

Folded on top of the basket. No so much on the inside. Presentation is every thing.

And last. My love seat. Not feeling much love currently.

I promise. I PROMISE I will work on the laundry today.... and over the weekend. And I will report back Monday.

Maybe accountability will help. NOT.


utmommy said...

I hear ya! I hate laundry too.

Linda said...

Doing laundry, dishes, and ironing...I don't mind any of them. Yep I know, I'm one of the weird sistas!!

I DON'T like dusting, cleaning bathrooms, or vacuuming.

Amy said...

Laundry is my least favorite,too! I'd rather clean toilets. They don't have to be folded. But Bryan always says to me, "a load a day keeps the piles away." So I think he should take his own advice!

Lindsey said...

Yeah. Good luck with that! Let me know if accountability helps any. If so, I might just try it.

I hate laundry too.

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I have the same stinking problem. I do great for a couple of weeks and then it all goes to crap! Okay that's pretty much how it works for my whole house! I hate it about myself and yet I keep doing it!!! My couch looks just like yours!!! We have company on Sunday so now I HAVE to get it all back in ORDER!!! :)

Ashley said...

I hate, HATE laundry. I only do it once or twice a week. I hate having to do it everyday so I don't. Sometimes I have two or three loads, and sometimes I have ten. One thing is for certain, it NEVER goes away!

just jamie said...

How cute are you? Um, very. :)

So what. Let the laundry sit awhile. When you're all naked, then you can do it (but just a little).

I hate when chores haunt us. Like the dozens calling me right now. But I'm not looking. No way. Just turning my head...

Lei said...

I think this is normal behavior. I am guilty of it too!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

How about I come and do your laundry, if you'll come and dust my house? I don't mind laundry at all. I hate dusting and mopping, but with our respiratory issues, I have to be better at it! ;(

Lynell said...

We seem to have the mountains at our house too. Sometimes I wonder what we are supposed to be learning from this menial never ending task. Patience??? Who knows!

I Love the picture of you. The light in your eyes is amazing!

Lynell said...

PS. I will be checking on you Tuesday morning. I'll give you an extra day. After all it is a holiday. Ü

Lara Neves said...

You know I'm right there with you. :) I don't mind doing laundry and usually keep up with the dirty (unless someone's sick, as previously written about), but I NEVER EVER keep up with folding and putting away. Some weeks we live out of the pile of clean clothing that is in the corner of my bedroom. Perhaps if I put it on the couch I might be more motivated to fold it?

No, probably not.

Marie Rayner said...

Misty, I feel your pain!!! Thankfully there are just two of us now and so the pile is not as large, but I can remember well the days of having five children and the laundry pile that never lessened from one day to the next. I always had a pile waiting to go in, a pile in there, and a pile waiting to be ironed and put away. It was never ending. God forbid if I missed a day! It took me forever to catch up! If someone could invent self cleaing clothes they'd be millionaires! On a bright note however, one time my visiting teaching partner and myself once helped a sister fold all her laundry and get it put away. It was fun doing it together and chatting away while we got it done. Many hands make light work. Are you VT's due?

Mandi said...

I so get it, but I also have a confession - I dont do laundry - at all - my husband does it all. He works 2 day shifts and then 2 night shifts then he has the next 4 days off and it starts all over again, so he is home more than me, so he does all the laundry. But when we renovated our kitchen/laundry we put the laundry behind four huge folding doors. on the left side is the sink and the washing maching and on the right is the dryer above and below the dryer I had the cabinet maker make this HUGE drawre its about 3ft high and 2.5 ft wide and has a divider down the center. Basically the clothes either go from the dryer or clothes line (australian all have a clothes line somewhere in their backyards and they all hang their laundry out in the sun. But on rainy days or winter we use the dryer. So the clothes either go straight into the drawer (where they stay until someone digs through it looking for something specific),or like you they go onto the couch until they get folder, left for a few days and then maybe put away, if someone doesnt put them on first then they end up back in the laundry basket to start all over again - one day I will take a picture of all these things and post them for you!!!!

I dont iron either, until I am wearing something. I either fold in and put it away or hang it up and if absolutely necessary I iron it but that doesnt happen very often because if you hang it as soon as it finished in the dryer then it doesnt need to be ironed!!! Or if you have ducted heating and you hang clothes on hanger on a stand over the vent - they dont need ironing either.

Dont stress about the laundry, just do what you can. Or make piles and label them using the days of the week - and do one load each day - I dont know if that will help, but thought I would try.

The other thing I dont do is seperate laundry. Everything goes in together. I figure if its been washed before its not going to run so I just shove it all in together and then I dont have to worry about whites and colours etc....maybe thats why I dont do laundry, but I have never had anything run!!!

Best of luck dear friend.....looking forward to seeing how you got on over the weekend....luv

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Does anyone actually like doing laundry though, really?

Good luck, I hope you kick laundry's butt!

Too bad it keeps coming back for more kicking though....

Amy said...

Don't worry - it will always be there. Don't let it stop you from enjoying your day!

Anna-b-bonkers said...

You and I are so much a like here!
I usually have a love seat that looks exactly like yours if not worse. I too have piles and other piles and still more piles in different rooms.
Dave gets cranky when he runs out of clothes completely. I have been terrible.
So after Kami kickstarted me into getting it done I have been kicking butt. It has been tough and I fear a backslide but I am managing to get a load in every other day.

I hate it though, boy do I ever!

Mary said...

Hope you had a good weekend!
My couch looks like that his morning. I have lots to fold after work today.........yippeeee.
very cute picture of yourself :)

Anonymous said...

I love to do's really my only "in home job"..hubby does the rest. I like being in control of what piece of clothing stays dirty..and what gets cleaned..Yeah I'm wierd!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't much like laundry either. I mean, I'll do it, and I love having clean clothes, but I HATE FOLDING AND PUTTING AWAY. It just sits on top of the washer and dryer, until I get so disgusted with myself that I put it away. Blah.
I also hate ironing. You DON'T want to see a picture of my to-be-ironed pile.