
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Not so sweet dreams.

I had a recurring dream when I was growing up. I would dream that I couldn't move. That I was helpless, that I couldn't escape. I would wake, wet from sweat, and would discover all of my many sheets and blankets from my bed wrapped and entwined around my legs. Interesting enough (or maybe not so much) when I moved out of my parent's house and loosened the ties of abuse I had been encircled by for years, my dreams stopped. For the main part. My recurring dream was replaced by night terrors for about a year and a half. At night I would re-live my childhood-prison, but as time passed, so did the terrors.

Remember my poop flinging cat? I'm happy to report he has adjusted quickly and smoothly to his sweet life outdoors... hunting, stalking, rolling in the dirt. My only complaint is now my sole kitty left indoors in lonely, and has decided that she should be my bed-time companion nights. I can't say that I would normally mind, but this little kitty had decided her favorite place to sleep is on top of my ankles at night. Which.I.Hate. I hate, hate, HATE it, because it reminds me of that same feelings of being trapped. I hate my legs feeling constricted. I've woken up the past few mornings feeling irritable and irrational. Blast from the past, if you will.

So, my plan of attack? A swift boot to the kitty at night. So inhumane sounding I know, but the price to pay for my sanity? I think she'll get the hint soon. **hanging my head in shame.... while giggling**

Friends, send sweet dreams my way. Stat.


Laski said...

May the sweetest of dreams visit you tonight and every night . . .

utmommy said...

I'd have to give the kitty a good swift boot too. I couldn't sleep like that either.

Marie Rayner said...

I used to dream about being chased by bears. Every night it would be bears, sometimes even polar bears, and they would always get between my children and myself and I would be panicking because I could not get to my kids. I have not had a dream like that since I left my ex, mind you he did get my kids . . . so perhaps the dream was prophetic?

Amy said...

Wishing you sweet dreams tonight and every night!

I love all the new pics on your side-bar. You have gorgeous children.

Have a happy Sunday!

Lynell said...

I was able to spend a few minutes catching up on your post. I love reading your blog and have missed your inspiration.

I think a few kicks and the kitty should get the hint.

Sweet dreams. Let us know if it all goes as planned.

Mandi said...

I laughed about your cat, not the trapped feeling you got when he/she was sleeping on your feet, I totally understand - we have two cats (who sometimes get on and sometimes dont), one is an indoor cat the other one is an indoor outdoor cat - the indoor cat sits at the window and watches the other one outside and so desperately want to be out there, but she is deaf and its too dangerous for her to be out (we adopted her when she was two from the animal shelter) shes beautiful, fat and lazy!!! Anyway, on occassion when I have been out late and I come home the house is quiet and I go into the bedroom to tell hubby Im home to find him fast asleep with both cats asleep at each end of the bed with one eye on each other and then when I get in bed I find the dog (we have a blonde chiuhauha)asleep under the blankets either in the middle of the bed or at the end near my husbands feet!!! Its hilarious!!! He always says - its like freakin Noah's Arc around here!!!!!!

I also had a dream that repeated itself through my childhood, and even sometimes in my adult life it reappears. Its very strange and my mum used to get terribly frustrated when it happened because I couldnt explain what was happening but I would wake terrified and all I could tell her was everything was going fast and slow and fast and slow and then I would hyperventalate and she would not be happy. As an adult it appears exactly the same and I still cannot explain what happens, but I know that when I wake up I have to get up and do something "normal" to stop myself from not being able to breathe!!!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I'd be kicking it out too! I hate bad dreams!

Laski said...

It is Monday and I have yet to tell you today that I just adore you :)

just jamie said...

Recurring dreams can be so eerie. I, too, had them as a child. I was entrapped in some sort of tunnel, floating endlessly down on a raft. The tunnel kept getting smaller and smaller, and the waters more vicious. Hmph.

Last night I dreamt that my husband and I vacationed with my ex-husband and his wife. Clearly, I'm a whacko. :)

Hope your dreams are sweeter by the minute. Miss you.