It started the night of Hannah's birthday. I spent a lot of time feeling irritated that Olivia was so cranky. Was she over tired? Was she bored? Was she upset? WHAT was wrong with her? The next day I found out - - she was miserably sick. After about the 10th time of waking up that night, Andrew moved out, Olivia moved in. Here we are in the middle of the night, high fevers, watching Toy Story.

And as any good mother would do, I changed my bed into an infirmary. Throw ups, wretched coughs, ear infections, and diarrhea later, Olivia is still kicking. Last night was the first night since Wednesday that I have slept more then 2 hours. Olivia was up until midnight. Slept until 4am, then again until 10:30 this morning.

My only interruption besides the coughing-so-hard-it-makes-Olivia barf was this guy. Ian now has strep. Here is Ian today, trying to rest on the couch.

And last, but not least, is Hannah, who is well and could care less. Wish I could say that for myself.
Summer is in full swing and it is HOT. We have the keep the blinds drawn shut and the sun shades down so our AC can keep up. It's dark in the house, but I guess it's fitting since we're all just wading around in the............
I'm pushing loads of wash through the machine like there's no tomorrow, but hopefully in a day or two I'll be caught up and the babes will be feeling better. We have plans to go to the cabin again mid week, so at least we've got some thing to look forward to. Until then... wish us well...
It's not too late to get your "question and answer" in. I still have about half left to answer, so feel free to add to the madness!
I am so sorry! Being sick is a bummer, but being sick when it's hot is even worse.
Oh, poor babies. Hope your two youngest are feeling perky soon, and that their Mama gets some rest.
I found your site through Tutu Monkey's site and just wanted to say...Heaven help you!!! :) Those poor babies! It is so hard when the little ones are sick and you aren't quite sure how to help!
And I love your site! The pictures are amazing and the opening picture on your site is beautiful!
Take Care and hope the days start looking brighter!
Ohhhhhh poor babes. I am send chicken soup well wishes through my fingers....
(( Hugs))
I hated it when my kids are sick, but I love that I can take care of them and make them comfortable.
I have a question for you. Since abuse is often perpetuated through the generations I want to know what you do, tell yourself, think, or feel to break that chain?
I know for me it took learning about kids by taking child development. I always promised myself that my children would never live in the hell I grew up in.
Oh crummy, I hope Ian is better soon and that all is well with Olivia now. NO fun exepcially on summer vacation!
Here's wishing you guys a much better remainder of the summer :-)
Hi there,
I have had some really nasty stuff happen on my blog this weekend so I have going completely private with it. I dont know how to make it so that people I like can see it, and I like you so be patient until I work out how to do it. Otherwise leave a message with Jennifer H. She will pass it on.
YUCK!! I'm SOOOOOOO sorry!! Anything I can do?! Nothing worse. Hang in there and call if you need to vent . . . wait, I just gave my phone to my sister so she can have one on her trip across the country. I'll send ya an e-mail with my in-laws' number so you can call! Poor things -- all of you!!
I'm so sorry Misty! Your little ones look so miserable and I'm sure you're feeling crappy too not getting enough sleep! Let me know if you need to talk!
Feeling for you Misty and saying prayers that all are right as rain soon. I know when my kids were growing up this was a nightmare as by the time the last one had it the first one often started again!
FRIEND! I've missed so much! But may I just say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pics! Give those babies a big hug for me ... and you too!
HATE being sick in the summer!
Kisses to their sweet faces!
I'm hoping everyone is up and at 'em and feeling much better:)
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