I do what I do, for my sweet children. I do what I do for Olivia because I love her. I love her smile, her spunk, her strong will, her sweet way.

I love this boy. I love Ian's sense of humor, his kind nature, his loving ways, and I love how affectionate he is.

I love Hannah. I love this little girl who is so grown up in so many ways. I love how she nurtures, how she wants to please, how she cares, and how kind and thoughtful she is. I love that she truly shows respect and empathy towards me.
I made it through the day. I made it though my meetings. I put in about 5.5 hours today. I did the dishes tonight, caught up on blogs and emails, and enjoyed some down time. Tomorrow is a new day of testing out a new schedule, but we're making do.
Olivia is getting there with her sleep training. When I said I'm "not a fan", that doesn't mean I think it's the wrong thing to do. Because I have, at some point, done so with all three of my children. It's a hard, hard, hard thing. But. With in a week, I'm done, and it's worth it. We're still progressing through ups and downs, but the end is in site. I hear you, though... I hear all those Mom's out there that have agreed with me that it is such a hard lesson to teach. Kids need their sleep. Mother's need their children to sleep. Siblings needs their younger brother's and sister's to sleep. So what ever you do, and how ever you make it work - - keep it up. We're all in this together. To those Mom's that don't know quite what to do about it yet - - time is the answer. In time you'll find what works, or in time you find a way to cope - no matter what your solution is.
Until later in the week.....
You have such a lovely family there Misty. So beautiful and so happy. You truly are blessed. Change is hard, but can also be very good. All's we can do is our best and trust in HF to take up the slack for us.
Good luck with maneuvering your new schedule. We do what we have to do, and you'll make it work.
And better luck with the sleep training. Not my favorite job either. Sophia has been the greatest sleeper until recently and I'm really worried I'm going to have to take more drastic measures, LOL!
Your kids are so cute.. What exactly is sleep training? I've never heard it called that...
Spreading a little bog love....:) You don't need to feel obligated to do this ( kind of like chain letters....you know....) but I did want you to now you got a little lovin today..:)
I love that picture of Ian...that boy cracks me up. He is so sweet! Olivia and Hannah are so cute and growing so big! I can't believe how fast kids grow up. I'm glad you're hanging in there with getting Livvy to sleep...she'll get it soon! Isn't it funny how if we as parents stick to things the kids just learn to realize we follow through! I just learned this lesson with my oldest two...I wish I would have figured it out sooner...oh well! Good luck with work and I hope to see you tomorrow! ;) XOXOXO Angie
♡ So cute! Good luck with the training I hope she catches on quickly!
Misty, I love the close up photos you post of the kids, their eyes say so much - beautiful!!! You will be so happy when they are all grown up to have such wonderful photos, because they change so quickly!!!
Take care my friend and have a great weekend!!!
What beautiful children!!! I know you've heard that one before! I hope you are hanging in there, sweet friend!
Look at those sweet faces. And sleep training, ugh. We did our own version and it's so painful. But you're right, it's the way to go when there seems no where else to go.
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