This is not an indication of how my day went, because it went quite well. But this is proof of the sibling wars that are waged in my home daily. Are you kidding me?
My most FANTASTIC news of all is that my sweet little Olivia Mae ONLY fussed - did not cry, did not barf, did not scream, did not bang her crib against the wall- she ONLY fussed to sleep tonight. And get this. It was only for a FEW minutes. She's asleep. Bless her sweet little heart. And mine, too. Because I know you know how terrific I am. *snort*
In the last couple days I have put in about 10 hours at my newly acquired (work from home) job. Hannah had a hard time with it today. Mainly because the bulk of my hours were done during the day, not in the evening like I had hoped. I decided that I would speak to the children about it to see where they were at. I also explained to the children that it was only this week that it would be hard on every one. Mainly because I'm training and on the phone, but feel confident that I'll be flying solo before too long. What I did feel good about today was the fact that I am able to break my hours up how ever I like. I'm able to work for an hour, then play with the kids. Work for an hour, fix lunch, play games. The best part of my day was when Olivia screamed into the phone that she pooped and needed her pants changed when I was speaking with one of my superiors.
And with that little tid bit, I'm off to shower and jump into bed. I put in my hours today - both on and off the clock. My marketing work is finished for the day, my house is clean, the kids are happy. I'll take the success when I can get it.
I'm so glad your day went well! Your kids are such cuties, and they are so lucky to have you as their momma.
♡ Yay for little Olivia falling asleep so well!!! What a relief! It so hard when the kids don't want to sleep... Tonight mine where going crazy which was driving me crazy! Up and down for over an hour saying they had to go potty when they didn't and ohhh drives me crazy!!! I'm so glad that she's doing so well for you! :)
GO MISTY!!!!!!!!
So glad that things have worked out better than expected. I must admit I laughed and laughed at the thought of the person on the other end of the phone's face when Olivia made her announcement!!!
So so funny!!! It will get easier after your training and then you can fit it all in when its better for you. I cant wait to hear all about the new job and how its going next week.
Have a wonderful weekend - thinking of you ........ m...xx
Congrats on your new job! I know you will do a FABULOUS job! I believe in you:) Glad today was a good day:)
Sorry I've been a little MIA lately.....
yaaaaaaaay for Olivia!!!!
So glad things are picking up and the job is going well!
You sound so happy in your post I can see your smile from here lol !!
Have a great weekend !
Love from Kathy and the girls
Hallelujah! And you of course ROCK! Call me whenever you have a minute, yes I realize that you never have a minute, hehe, but call me anyway! Love and hugs!!
Sounds like you have got it all under control Misty! And you are at home where your kids need you to be. I tried working outside my home once for about a year and a half after I had my fifth child. It was a disaster and what we might have gained monetarily we lost in so many other more important ways. BY the way I love your quote by Brigham Young in your sidebar! Way to go Brigham!
I am amazed with starting the new job that you still have time to blog, keep your house clean and help to keep the kids happy. Hang in there it will get easier after training. Good luck.
Sheez. You're an inspiration Misty, seriously. Good for you. How do you do it ALL?
I am so excited for you Misty, you are doing great! It's a balancing act but you will manage just fine and it's very fufulling to have something outside of the most important job of Mom.
Glad Olivia's training is going well... it always works but it's kinda hard in the thick of it!
Oooooh I have found notes like that before. They usually crack me up.
Yay for sleep and only a few minutes of fussiness.
LOL at Olivia letting your superiors know for sure who the boss really is ;)
Hey there, just wanted to say Ive checkin in on your blog for the last few days and am wondering where is Misty????????? Hope everything is working out well with the new job - take care and miss you!!!!!!
Good job! I hope the new venture works out well for you and your family!
You deserve a GIGANTIC hug for all your hard work!! I got in 5 hours today in marketing, one hour in play, and zero hours in housework...and no regrets. That's the key, don't you think?
Vicious, yet funny note. Your blog is so sweet. I am so glad I stumbled onto it...I may have been here a while back too
That is awesome!!! Only a little fussing! Woo hoo!!! Even the seemingly little things are a HUGE success!!!
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