I usually don't blog with lots of company, but I'm sitting here in my room, the kids on my bed, and my husband is trying to hook up one of his OLD SCHOOL Nintendos. My kids love it. I'm alive, I'm kicking, we're making the transition into a new schedule.
I've got some comments which have kind of puzzled me. Not blogging comments, but from friends or family. Ones that go a little like this: "I'm so glad you found work outside of the house. You must feel so much more fulfilled as a woman". You think? 'Cause I think not. This is a job. It's work. It's pooh. It's not fulfilling some "deep need" that I have as a woman. I HAVE my dream job. I'm a Mom. This is a little some thing on the side as a safety net. I can't say I enjoy it a whole lot, but the extra cash is good for my crew. The kids don't seem to mind, and I fully plan to keep my day job.... my day/afternoon/night gig as a mom. THAT is what I truly love. THAT is what fulfills me.

This is my bedroom slash office. This is where I blog, email, pay bills, plan our budget. This is where I work. I like my bedroom. It's simple and peaceful. I just happened to be spring cleaning this room when I got offered this little job. Yes. Still spring cleaning. Oh brother. That's all I have to say.

This is one of my best friends. She just turned 43, and we had a little par-tay at my house last week. We beat the living hell out of this pinata, and I insisted on taking a few gag pictures. This woman is a doll. She lives right across the street from me, and we adore each other. She adores my kids. We have each other's back. She rocks.
My night shift is starting. It's Olivia's bed time. Kill me now. Ok, it's not that bad. We've made excellent head way as of late. Nothing like being a little dramatic.