
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Behold Him.

If you have a moment, please click on the below link and watch this incredible slide show depicting the Savior's life. Never have I seen such magnificent photography put together in such away that makes my soul stir so.

While you've got me. Let me bear testimony of the truth there is to be found in the Son Of God. He is real, He lives. He knows each and every one of us. He touches our lives, He leads, He guides, He sooths. He truly cares. From the time I was a young child, I have felt Him by my side. Not always heeding His words and presence, what a powerful reminder of how blessed I am to know, with out a doubt, who the Son Of God is. Let us all feel Him more constantly and purely.

Love, Misty


utmommy said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony.

Monica said...

Great to read your testimony. Even though I see it in everything you write, it's good to read the specific declarations of truth.

Lynell said...

Thanks for your testimony. And those images are so powerful. What a great way to start my day!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing, Misty.

Anna-b-bonkers said...

Thank you for sharing this. The link was so powerful for me. It was soul moving. Renewed a love for my Saviour that I have been needing. I cried and cried and sang along....I need Him! It really puts everything in perspective, what we are here for, to glorify Him!
Thank you Misty!!!

Marie Rayner said...

What a beautiful slide show. I love my Saviour. I don't know where I'd be without him. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely testimony with us.

Lindsey said...

He is real. I am so thankful to have Him in my life. I also love your music! Good choice sweet girl:) Happy Friday!!!