Andrew and I took this picture Saturday. One of my dearest friends Mandy of La Bella Vita Photos did this final edit for me. Is is not perfect? This is the perfect portrait to remember Isaac's safe place, his safe time with me. And do I not have the most perfect grade school friend in my corner right now?
I have gotten nothing done today, when that should not be an option. I have to admit I feel like I am in shock, and in denial still. Can it really be my baby's time is coming to an end? In the midst of feeling like this sacrifice was going to last a lift time, it's about to end. And the worst is yet to come. Watching my baby die in my arms.
Lord, be with me now. Lord, carry me, my sweet husband, and tender children. We cannot do it alone.
you have been heavy on my heart today. i pray for you daily, but even more than usual today.
in 2 Samuel, there's a story about David and his child. for 7 days, he pleads with God to save his child's life, but God chooses to take his child anyway. David is broken, distraught, but upon news of his child's passing, he goes and worships God. i know that if God takes your son, it will be devastating... that without a miracle, you will be left heartbroken... but it is my prayer for you, your husband, and your children that God will reveal Himself to you during this time and allow you to somehow praise Him in this storm, to see Him and know that He is God.
please email if you need anything... i'm here. :-)
- michelle
A safe place. Isn't it wonderful to know that we as women can be that safe place for Heavenly Father's precious Spirits. It is a miracle. I hope you are able to spend time with your Precious Miracle. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
He is with you, and so are we, your friends. We will carry you all through this excruciatingly painful time.
Misty, I don't know exactly how you feel but I am a grandmother to Carleigh,mother to Holly and we can only imagine how you must be feeling since we were there too. But, our strong faith and encouraging words from others have held us and the love of Jesus sustains us. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily as you continue on this journey. You and your family are not alone.
Misty dear and family, I am praying for you as you hold on to each other with the strength and peace that is only possible through Christ Jesus our Lord.
If you haven't had a chance to read Angie's family's story lately, go to
Tomorrow (April 7) is Audrey's first "born to Heaven Day." For ONLY another day or two, we can listen to a song that Selah will put out in final form this summer. Listen right away and be blessed by "Unredeemed." Angie printed out all the lyrics and gave credit to the writers and singers.
"But when anything that’s shattered
Is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be
I pray you also feast on these words of scripture:
"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."
1 Thessalonians 5:23
"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
In Jesus' Grip, Michal Ann
While Joel and I were transcribing guitar chords for you, it really hit me just listening to the lyrics over and over. I know this is going to be so hard for you, but I also know that the Lord will carry you, just as you are carrying Isaac.
You are the safest place for him, and I am heavy with sadness that the safe place is drawing to a close. I am with you, in prayer and in spirit, as are all these other friends, and God. Hugs from me, my dear.
Misty, know that I am thinking of you during this difficult time in the journey. I know I was a little unsure of what to expect and how to feel. But God's grace was with me throughout the whole labor and delivery and the days after. I pray that God's grace be with you too. I never got to experience Carleigh passing in my arms since she was born still so I don't know what that is like but I have heard many moms in our position say it was peaceful.
He will carry you. This week and always. And you'll have one sweet little heavenly cheerleader who I'm sure will keep you company when you need it most. You will feel him, too. You will have sacred, meaningful experiences this week, as devastating as I'm sure this all must be. I love you. Forever.
I have been and will continue to pray for you and your family.The LORD will carry you and your family.HE will give you strength when you feel you can't go on.May you feel HIS presence like never before in the days,hours,minutes and seconds to come.
I have no words that will comfort you. Just know that HE is the true comforter and HE will be with you during this trial. I am praying for your entire family.
It's a perfect photo Misty. I really am lovin' you.
More hugs. Lots of them.
It was nice to chat last night. You're in our thoughts and prayers. You're not alone.
Thinking of you and awed at your bravery.
Thinking of you and your family.
I'll send up some extra thoughts & prayers for you tomorrow....praying for comfort & the time you have asked for with your son.
Misty, all of these posts are so wonderful and so full of love for you and Isaac. The only thing I would like to add is that this week is the holy week leading up to Christ's crucifixtion and resurrection. Remember when Mary went to the tomb and found the tomb empty and the men on the road told her that she won't find what she is looking for, that he is risen. Your womb will be empty tomorrow, but remember just like Christ did Isaac will be risen into exaltation and perfection. I love you....VVT
Mandy shared a linkto your blog and I wanted to let you know you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Such a heart touching story. And I'm so glad Mandy has been there for you. This photo is perfect! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Like Chell, above, I followed Mandy's link to your blog. Your story is so touching. I literally sit here in tears for you, your family, and your son. God has his plans and we don't always understand them. You seem an amazingly strong woman. I pray for you now, and tomorrow, and in the future that you will find peace. That your family will find strength. That Isaac will be welcomed with open arms in to God's rejoicing Kingdom. I pray for those special moments that you will share with Isaac tomorrow. Treasure them and hold tight memories. God Bless You!
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this - what an unbelievable story. My prayers are with you, your family, and baby Isaac.
I am thinking and praying for you and your family. I am so sorry.
Misty, I am at a loss for words. I followed Mandy's link to your blog and am now beside myself. I know that no words can bring you comfort right now, but know that you and your family are in many prayers right now. I also read that you will be having the funeral in Springville, which is where I live. If there is anything I can do for you, meals or anything I would love to help. Take comfort in knowing that Isaac will be made whole and will be waiting, I am sure he is an elect child of God that had a work in Heaven to do. My email is robfam5@comcast.net
Whitney Robertson
I too, followed Mandy's link over here and just read your whole story. You seem like such an amazing, strong woman. I am in tears and will be praying with everyone else for you, your family, and Issac. God Bless.
i also followed mandy's link to you. i am overwhelmed by what you must be feeling right now. i pray God gives you time with your little one, and strength and healing afterwards. you are in my thoughts, and i'll be hugging my 2 boys tighter tonight.
The picture is the perfect sentiment! I hope you can treasure this time, I was so wrapped in my grief that I feel that I lost the last precious days.
I will be continuing to pray for your family, my heart truly breaks for you all. There is beauty in this pain, but it is so hard.
praying in Ohio for you.........
I am so so sorry for the loss you are facing. And I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm another person that will be holding you and your family in my prayers tomorrow, and in days to come.
What a beautiful photo to cherish. Misty I pray that the Lord is with you and that he lifts you and your family above the pain and caries you through this. That His footsteps are the only ones we see in the sand.
I too, followed Mandy's link, and I wanted to tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear family.
I love you my sister and that is a very beautiful picture. I know that you will always cherish that picture. My heart is heavy right now knowing that you and Andrew and the kids have to go through this tomorrow. I will be thinking of you, praying for you, and hoping for you tomorrow. I hope that you will get the time that you want with little Isaac tomorrow. I will take a momment of silence at 9:30 am EST tomorrow morning to think of you and your family at the time that you give birth. I love you and your family dearly and god will carry you through this as you have carried your dear son through this journey. I love you and love your litle guy too.
The photo is perfection.
I'm thinking of you . . . praying for you.
There really are no other words except to say there is a lot of love right here . . . for you, for your family, for that precious baby.
I'm also an online friend of Amanda's who has been praying for you since she first shared your very sad news. Know that there are many people who are praying and sending positive thoughts for healing for you and your family. God Bless you.
You and your family are in my prayers.
I followed Mandy's link too. I will pray for your family as you go through this difficult time. My heart aches for you. I had a difficult time getting pregnant and I can not imagine having to say goodbye to my baby after carrying them for that long. My daughter was born 6 weeks early, which is about how far along you will be? She was little, but able to breath on her own. I was greatful that she was okay. I hope you are able to get some pictures of your little baby to help you remember him. I will be thinking of you tomorrow...
I've come over from Kami's blog and just wanted to let you know that you and your sweet little angel are in my thoughts and prayers. And my heart simply aches for you and your family. I hope you can find some peace in these difficult times...
My prayers are with you and your beautiful family...
i just wanted you to know that i am praying for you...
Just learned about you from Celia...you are in my prayers. Psalm 34:18
You do not know me. I found your blog through Mandy's link last night and I have been in prayer for you and your family much throughout the night. Your situation has sobered me and helped me to put things back into perspective in my life today. To be thankful for what I have. I will continue to pray for you...
Please know that you are in my prayers today as you go and meet your precious little Isaac! You have been on my heart these past few days, and will certainly be in both my prayers and in my thoughts throughout today!
May God grant you time with your precious little son and give you the strength that you need through this time.
Give Isaac a hug and kiss from me.
Love and prayers,
Is 41:10
Pro 3:5-6
You and your family is heavy on my heart today. I heard your story through Mandy and I will continue to pray for you, your family, and your precious baby, Isaac
Thinking of you today.
Much love,
You do not know me, but I came across your blog this past weekend through a friend's bog. I am thinking of you today and praying that you have sweet precious time with your baby boy.
I came over from Kamis blog. I have no words other than I have been praying and will continue to pray for your family. I pray and hope that you are able to spend some precious time with your sweet boy.
God Bless
I found your blog through sweet mandy's. you are blessed to have her for a friend and from what i can tell, she is blessed as well. I am so sorry for your having to go through this. I cannot imagine. May you feel God's peace touch your heart and may many come to know the Lord through your story.
I've been following your journey from Holly's blog. I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts today. I said a prayer for you and your son. Isaac is a true blessing and what a great mother he has!
I don't know you or your family, I just read about your heartbreaking story though Kami's site, but I just want to offer my prayers for you and your family, and for little Isaac, who is obviously loved and cherished the way every single child should be. You are incredibly strong. God bless all of you.
Kami (the other one)
I blog hopped over to your blog~
I will be praying for your family and Baby Issac!
My eyes are filled with tears...I can only imagine what you are going through!
Blessings and Love,
I'm here via Kami. Your story is heartbreaking - much peace, love and prayers from us.
my thoughts are with your family!
Praying for you today.
As grandparents and parents, our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Much love from Kami's Khlopchyk's parents.
GOD Bless...
I have found you through Kami and have read your whole story. Bless your broken heart and I will be praying for your strength through this time.
The lord is with you and he will walk you through this one step at a time. God bless you Misty.
I found you through Hollys blog and just wanted you to know that you and your family and in my prayers today. May you find a peace that passes all human understanding....
Am praying for your peace today.
I came to discover your blog through Holly's and I waited with anticipation for Carleigh's birth. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family and little Isaac are in my thoughts and prayers and in the thoughts and prayers of many others. May the Lord bless you with time. Time to hold your precious son to show and tell him how much he is truly loved. May the Lord grant you peace, comfort and strength through this difficult time.
I am an aunt to Holly and I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prays and thoughts. Remember keep your strong faith and he will get you through any thing. You will always be in my prayer. I hope you got to spend sometime with Isaac.
God bless
I know you don't know but I am a friend of Holly's. I just want you to know I am praying for you & your family. Just know the Good Lord is with you at all times. Thinking of you today & in the days to come. Hugs Caroline - Cafemom
Thinking of you today. Sending all the peace, prayers and strength I can muster your way.
Thinking of you and your family today and taking time to lift you up. Your faith is an inspiration. God truly Bless you and Keep you and strengthen you.
Your family has been on my mind today. I hope that your day has been filled with wonder and time.
Your family will be in our prayers..
I have found you link on another's blog, please know that you are in our prayers. Praying that God will give you time with precious Baby Isaac.
Praying for you from Seattle. God is a good God and my prayer is that you will be carried through this time.
I do not know you but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am Holly's Aunt Nancyand knowing what she went through. I am sure that the Lord is with your family and will continue to have the angels watch over all of you during this time. Know to keep your faith in the Lord and believe in him because with him all things are possible. Again my thoughts are with your family today and always. Thanks for sharing your story. God Bless
Nancy Cummings
I am Friends with Lara and have been following your blog for a few weeks now. My prayers are with you and we are praying you get through this trying time. May the lord bless you.. Take care
I have been thinking of you and praying for you ever since my cousin Tiffany told me about little Isaac. I'm sorry I have not been a better neighbor. I am praying for you. I would love to bring you dinner when you are home from the hospital. Or watch your kids when you need a break, etc. I'm right across the street! Call me please. 307-752-2475
Whitney Bishop
What a beautiful, perfect photo.
I came over via Kami's blog, and I just wanted to send prayers and wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.
You are amazing.
Praying for your family............
I don't know you- I found the link to your story on Holly's blog- but I wanted to say that I am praying for you, Isaac, & your family.
I hope the precious moments you share with your son will be forever remembered. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Love & Hugs, Laura (Austin, TX)
I don't even know the "right" words to pray, but I am praying for you and your family right now. God Bless
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