I found this comment on my blog this morning:
"Holy f$&k you're retarded and deluded- I suppose it's not surprising from one so religious as yourself. The thing that came out was not a person: it was a meatdoll, devoid of consciousness- it was less a being than a lizard or dog. The best thing to do would have been to abort it. Quick tip for you: there is no god. "
To which I would like to reply:
Dear Anonymous,
As we each have our opinions, I would like to thank you for sharing your own. As a brother or sister through our Father in Heaven, I would like to say that I love you. For every miracle in life, there is equal adversity. My heart is sad for you because of the anger you carry in your heart. I've been there, I know what that feels like. Some thing in your life has caused you to feel that way, which is unfair, and I am sorry for your hurt. For my precious and perfect son - with out a perfect body, he still lives on with a perfect and whole spirit. We cannot always touch and see the things we believe in the most. I wish you happiness, peace, and harmony in your life.
Your Friend,
What a good person you are. I have been reading yor past posts and they have brought me to tears.
I guess in the blogging world we leave ourselves open for others opinions. This person should of kept his or hers to themselves.
Bless your heart Misty, bless your heart. I have been praying for you as you walk this road less traveled with your family. Asking God to guide you through as you help your children find healing along side you.
You make God and Isaac so proud with your loving response to the hurt this world has to offer. We know who Isaac is and we know where he is at this moment. Praying you through one day at a time, moment by moment.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
I'm delurking, because I'm sitting here absolutely dumbfounded. I can't believe someone could be so full of hate. What a miserable life they must have to want to reach out with such ugliness. That's just awful...and completely wrong. Your precious son was valuable, and important. I'm so sorry for your loss, but you will be all right. I worry for the person who could write that to you, they need to make serious changes in their heart, or they will not be all right.
I wish peace for you.
Wow, someone is really making the rounds with us anen. moms. I found out we all are the butt of a joke on some forum....I tried not to taking anything they said personal. I am glad you didnt eiher.
((hugs)) You are a great Mommy and wonderful person. They are a sad loser with nothing better to do.
Dear Misty, your reply was so measured, so grace filled. I wish I had your capacity for forgiveness. For what it's worth. Isaac is and will always be perfect. LGod sets the standard and Isaac was not found wanting. Much love to you Misty. xxx
This is probably one of those people that keeps attacking Myah. I don't understand why people would choose to be so hateful towards us moms and our babies. We definitely need to pray for these people.
I am sorry that you had to encounter such a horrible piece of writing... and that is all that it is. Words.
Your heart is pure and filled with love and grace.
Your son lives. He is perfect healthy and whole and he lives in the physical presence of God.
My love to you today.
Carly x
Yes I have spent the last hour reading it all....I have to keep telling myself these are probably little teen age boys who have no life and nothing better to do than make fun of her and Faith...This is isnt the first time something like this has happened. I had another site for Logan taken down because of this type of thing. It was pretty hurtful.
It IS hurtful. And frightening at the same time. As much as God lives, so does Satan. We must remember EVERY thing good and pure will be attacked. What ever your belief system/religion/or not, I believe you made a valiant choice to give life to your child, as did I. Faceless attackers of good cannot take that away from us......A mother's love is untouchable.
I'm keeping my much less calm and nasty side under wraps here. I've got that side, as much as I have a lovely one. No sense in giving them what they want. We've already won, because we held our perfect babies in our arms.
Love you, sweet friend.
xo Misty
you are a much better person than i. i'm so sorry that you have had to deal with such a hateful person!
Misty, you continue to amaze me with your strength and wisdom. It is so easy to revert to anger and harmful words, but you demonstrated Christlike love and mercy. BRAVO!
Wow Misty, Im sorry someone was so full of anger and had to leave a nasty comment like that on your blog!! You are a much better person than i, I dont know if i could have been so sweet and loving back to him. You are a wonderful person and i continue to pray for you! Take care
Thank you so much Misty. I am personally not religious, but I highly respect the beliefs of others. I know it’s pretty hard to not let the nasty side come out when we are so deeply hurt.
We don’t need them to validate our choices. Their opinion doesn’t make a hill of beans. I am going to try and ignore them (it’s really hard!) and know in my heart what we did was right and they are sad, lonely, lost individuals who have some huge void in their life I hope is filled with something other than hate.
Much love back to you!
I'm delurking to because I am left sitting here speechless and in awe of the beautiful heartfelt respond you gave. You are a great example of what we should all strive to be more like. Thank you for that. Sending hugs and love from Ohio.
Oh Misty! I am absolutely shocked that any human being could be so crass as to leave such a horrible message. You have handled it with such grace and dignity, and we can all take a page out of your book.
PS...I can't save your pictures big enough, so if you could send them to me on my email that would be great!
It is a mark of grace and wisdom to respond so kindly.
I'm sorry this happened to you.
What an amazing strong person you are. An amazing heart you have to even give that son of a gun the time of day. I feel bad for them but at the same time happy someone as good and kind offered them a little grace, more then they probably deserved.
My heart breaks for your loss.
My soul rages because of this hurtful comment.
But your response is so eloquent and graceful.
You and your family are in my thoughts.
I guess we are seeing firsthand the evil that abounds in this world - your strength and faith astounds me, even as I believe with all my heart as you do. . . Our Heavenly Father certainly has a special place in heaven for you, one day. Until then, I am honored to know you as you work through your trials. You are a blessing to us all!
Your ability to react with such love and grace is truly amazing. I am in awe of you.
i can't believe someone actually wrote that. it's beyond cruel... it makes THEM the one who is sub-human. i know we're called to react the way you did, but right now i confess that i simply can't.
i'm so sorry you had to read that. please know that the coward who wouldn't even sign their name is vastly outnumbered by those of us who see your precious son as perfect, whole, and just as valuable as every other child.
I can't believe people like that! That is horrible. I don't know what I'd say, I couldn't be that kind as you have.That person will answer to GOD for what he/she said.
Rom 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Sweet Misty . . . I encourage you to keep nurturing the sweetness in your life. Yes we acknowledge the pain, yes we face the anger AND FACE IT DOWN because we know The Father of Love and He has transformed us and renewed us. Your testimony is POWERFUL and your latest installment is unthinkable to many. You inspire us to look to the Father and praise Him for the strength He supplies in the face of a thorn's pain so brutal and searing. I am shocked and angered to think that someone could be so cruel, but I am blessed by your response. You are in my prayers as you suffer and adjust and love and forgive, and go on.
I lost a son at 16 (nearly five years ago, now) -- a sweet, sweet boy with special needs who is now PERFECT in the Saviors Arms. His autistic brother and our three younger daughters remain in our care and we cherish the time with them even more now knowing that one mornig we awoke and Andrew had gone to Heaven.
My blog helps me sort and share and encourage and express and all the rest. Life IS NOT EASY but still we have joy -- that is truly miraculous. Peace in the midst of pain ... you have shown the identity of the one who fills your heart. The "anonymous" one has also shown from whence their filling comes. I shall choose to add them to my prayers (they REALLY NEED it) and keep praying for you though I see in your honest sharing that you know the source of true joy and drink deeply despite the rugged pathway you remain upon.
Much love and prayers to you, sweet Misty. XO ~~ Debbie
I am so sorry that you were forced to respond with grace to words that should never have been said. Please know that Isaac will always be remembered and loved by many.
I found your blog a few days before your beautiful boy Isaac was born. Since then, I have been mesmerized by your story and the stories of other unbelievably courageous moms like yourself.
I had heard of anencephaly- but never knew personally anyone that had been effected therefore I never even considered or imagined the magnitude of pain and suffering a family could feel over this. My heart has been aching for you and your family and for those families whose blogs I cant' tear myself away from now either.
I am so sick and disgusted about the fact that people are leaving such hateful, hurtful comments on your blog and especially Mayah's as well. I will never understand what could make a person feel the need to say those types of things-never mind even THINK them.
Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of your BEAUTIFUL son (I am in awe of him) despite the fact that there are such hateful people out there. Thank you for handling it with such class and dignity. ( I am also in awe of you).
That comment brought tears to my eyes! That you could reply with such grace and love speaks volumes about the person that you are. I'm humbled and amazed by you, and so very sorry for your loss. I'll be holding you and your family in my thoughts in the days to come.
Sorry you had to endure such a hateful comment. Your response was perfect.
I wish you and your family nothing but peace.
I'm so sorry some people can be so hateful in this immensely sorrowful time for you. I think your response shows the response of a truly beautiful soul. I'm sorry for your loss, and I, too, think he was perfect.
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your precious little one is so loved.
I've never been to your blog before, but came over from the LFCA today to tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your beautiful son Isaac. And also how sorry I am that you were subjected to such abuse from a stranger. I will keep you and your family in my prayers today, along with anonymous, praying that his or her heart opens to understanding and compassion.
Here from LFCA -- I'm so, so sorry for the loss of your son Isaac. Please, please know that you're not alone -- it's such a tough path to have to go through. There are people out there who can help lend a shoulder along the way.
I'm not remotely religious and am so wildly offended by your anon comment. Clearly from someone who has never been pregnant or anticipated the birth of a child, and frankly sounds like they need to follow up a bit on their own fears. You're an extremely compassionate person. I would've hit delete with a few swear words.
Also here from LFCA.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious son.
Here from L&F. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful, precious Isaac and am dismayed that someone could leave such a cruel comment. Your grace and love for this commenter is truly amazing.
I don't understand how someone can be so cold and full of hate, that they can say such ugly things to someone who is already so hurt and sad! Your answer back shows such faith and strength of spirit. You are an inspriation
I'm so sorry some ignorant person had to be so cruel during such a difficult time.
Sending love and warmth your way.
Your words were much kinder than I could have been. What a horrible comment! I'm so sorry that you had to read that.
Your sweet baby boy is a blessing and thank goodness, WE both know that you will see him again!
And that is what a true follower of God would say. Just lovely.
I too feel really bad for that person. But I'm also kind of pissed. I think some people just sit around trying to think of hurtful or shocking things to say even if they don't believe them. It is maddening.
God bless you, your sweet little angel, your three other blessings, and the rest of your family. :)
I hope you don't mind...I found you through Lynette.
I recently (November) gave birth to my stillborn daughter at 25 weeks. While the circumstances are different (Chaya did not have anen), we are still kindred spirits because we have both suffered the most tragic loss a mother can suffer.
Every now and then I receive random hateful comments, as do a couple other friends of mine who have also suffered this loss, from anonymous people who I can only feel sorry for and wonder what has caused them to be filled with so much hate they feel they must mock my pain.
I think it is wonderful that you responded so gracefully. I hope the anonymous commentor returns to read it.
I just came across you blog and am in tears. Your Isaac is so gorgeous and I relate SO much to your story.
I am so, so sorry you are on this journey with us.
I can tell by your blog and your words that you are a sweet and gentle soul. Isaac is a very lucky little guy.
Thinking of you....
I'm so sorry someone would inflict such needless hurt on you at such a hearbreaking time. Thank you for sharing what I'm sure was a prayerfully considered and inspired response. I pray God will continue to comfort you. I pray He'll reach the anonymous commenter, too.
I just read you story over at Lynnette's blog. I just had tears falling and falling from how hurtful that comment must have been, and then to witness such an act of love on your part to reach out to this person who does not know the Lord....it was just such a beautiful thing to read and it inspires me to really think about those moments that I may be able to reach out to someone who is lost. I am praying for you and your family. Isaac is absolutely precious. We know that we are so much more than the bodies that we possess and that every life has purpose.
For the anonymous person:
If you are reading this, just know that I am praying for you to one day know the Lord. I know sometimes it's hard to believe at first, and if you're having trouble believing and you haven't witnessed what God can do, then I would ask you to simply ask God to help you believe. Tell Him to show you. Tell Him you don't understand and that you want to. I promise you that He will change your life. It will happen in His time, but you will not be disappointed. It's not about being religious, it's really about having a relationship with the Lord. It's not about being perfect, it's about having purpose in this life. Even one second after we die, it is too late to change our mind and accept Him. I pray that He will help you to see. His love is there, but He won't force you to love Him back...He wants it to be your choice.
I'm here from LFCA. I'm so sorry, for your loss, and for the fact that someone would try to hurt you.
Thank you for sharing your story, and your feelings. If you ever wonder if it touches someone, it did me, and I am so grateful. I wish you and your family peace and comfort.
Your such a wonderful and strong woman to answer someone like you did.
I'ma hot headed person and would want to hunt them down and give them a piece of my mind.
You son is beautiful and if people cannot see that then their just ignorant.
They have nothing better to do than p*ss hurting moms off, which shows how much a coward this person really is.
Keep, Keepin' on!
From LFCA. I am so very sorry for your loss. My sympathies to you and your loved ones.
We have to feel pity for trolls such as the anon who wrote such drivel. Can you imagine the hell that person inhabits on a daily basis, being so clueless and mean spirited? It must truly suck.
Wishing you healing, health, and tons of IRL support and love.
I'm here from LFCA as well. My heart hurts to read that comment, and to know that anyone would want to inflict more pain on someone who has more than enough heartbreak to deal with already. Your grace is extraordinary. Your son was very blessed to have such a wonderful mother.
So sorry for your loss. He was truly beautiful.
You are a nicer person than I could ever be
May God bless your grace.
i'm so sorry someone found it necessary to hurt you like this.. i am just so sorry. sending tons and tons of hugs.
Here from LFCA. Words can not express how that comment made me feel, so I can only imagine how it made you feel. Your response, however, was amazing. I admire you for being the better person because there is no way that I would have been able to do the same.
So incredibly sorry for your loss...
You have more strength than I, I'm pretty sure had I received a comment like that my response would have shown very little restraint. I don't understand why God is asking you and your family to endure this pain but I know He's there to carry you as long as you need. What I see in you through your blog is something I've only seen in one other, my husband. Misty you are a true example of Jesus love here on earth. Your continued faith, your honesty about your pain and your kindness through hurt and another's ignorance are a true mirror of what He's doing in your life. Thank You.
It's me again, Misty. I keep thinking about you and wishing you would've never received such a hurtful comment. I pray that you don't get any more. You don't deserve it and neither does Isaac. I don't know why people have chosen to target us anen mommies but we do need to pray for them and hope that God changes their hearts. Our babies are beautiful and their lives having meaning. Some people just don't get that and that is so sad.
I am so proud of you and how you chose to handle this situation. You have shown such grace and love even when the person didn't deserve it. It's not an easy thing to do but God calls us to do it. He's in control of it all and I know He will take this and use it for good when this person meant you harm. I am glad so many people are coming and supporting you. I just made a post so hopefully more come your way.
I shouldn't be surprised that people can be so ignorant and cruel, but I am. You've chosen to respond to this with such grace and dignity, and you will be blessed.
God bless you! I found your blog through Lynnette's. I am amazed at how you showed the love of Christ through your response to that anonymous commenter.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss. My baby didn't have anen but was stillborn. We shouldn't have to bury our children. And by the way, your children are beautiful! ALL FOUR OF THEM!!!!!
What a wonderfully consitant follower of God you are. It is not easy to be loving to hurtful people...you kids will reep that wonderful skill from you.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy - and the suffering of your children. The memorializing steps you are taking will go far in helping them grieve with you.
Misogynists and sociopaths love the internet.
You have much more in your life than they do.
Here from LFCA...
I'm so sorry about the loss of your son. I wish you didn't also have to deal with people who have no conscience or empathy.
It really makes me wonder what a person has to go through in their life to become that hateful. For every person that doesn't "get it" there are hundreds that do. Thanks for being strong and sharing your story with others.
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with anything so cruel.
Here from LFCA. I'm so very sorry about the loss of your darling baby boy. The pictures are beautiful and a wonderful tribute to him.
Bless you.
Misty...I am impressed beyond belief with your grace and dignity in this situation.
I am so, so sorry about the loss of your beautiful boy and I know that whole you rejoice that he is with his Father in Heaven you will miss him with every fiber of your being.
You are an inspiration. It is only by the grace of God that we can find love and compassion for those who hurt so much and attempt to cause us pain. You are an amazing child of God. I know your entire family, especially Isaac is so proud of you!!
You are a beautiful soul, truly. Way to see that anon's hatred had everything to do with him or herself and nothing to do with you.
Love to you and your family.
Misty, ditto to all the comments left above and more! You responded the way we were meant to respond to such hatred....with love and grace. They won't understand it and it will dumbfound them....and maybe, just maybe, it will touch their hearts in a way that your story so far has not. And then we will pray for the life changing miracle that happens when Jesus becomes master of their hearts rather than the Evil One.
It is funny because before being affected by this situation, I would have repsonded right back with anger and rage, attacking as I had been attacked. But now my heart just aches for those who would choose to live life so ignorantly. I remember living that way myself and would never go back to that ever.
YOu are a beautiful person with a precious spirit and Isaac is changing lives every time someone comes to your blog and reads your story, even if they don't know it at the time they are reading it! That is truly a miracle that only God can orchestrate!
I wish I could have dealt with that nasty comment with a fraction of the grace and love that you did....
One of the unfortunate pits of the internet...
But, seing your readership, it is so obvious that yours and Isaac's story has touched so many hearts. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Here from LFCA. Just know that there are people who troll the loss boards looking for ways to cause pain and more grief because they have nothing worthwhile to do with their small, pathetic lives.
I would suggest blocking anon comments or at least tracking the url address they left when they commented and blocking it. IF you need help doing that, I can hook you up.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I am the mother of a stilborn son and I know the depth of pain that lives within your heart. I hope that the support of the women here has helped to ease the load at least in some small way as it has for me.
Misty, I was faced with a very similar decision as you were during your pregnancy. While you and I chose different paths, I hope you know that this horrible, cruel judgment could never come from those of us who chose not to continue our pregnancies in the face of terrible diagnoses for our babies. We know how hard it is to hear that diagnosis and no one from our community would ever say or think such things.
I've had trolls write hateful comments on my blog in regards what I chose to do, and even though you know that troll has his or her own issues, it's hard not to have your heart hurt a little. That's the last thing you need right now. I'm sorry.
Your response to the commenter humbled me. I don't know if I would have felt the same way if someone said those things to me a few months ago--or today.
I'm so sorry you're having to go through this difficult time. I've been there--I'm still there, actually--and I know how much it hurts.
i am an atheist and it's shameful what that person said to you. i'm so sorry.
What a hurtful comment!
I will pray for them....who cold and removed the person is that left remark.
I will pray also, that the negative words in the comment do not keep stirring within you.
People that write things like that are evil! They just want the words in the message to eat away at you!
I will pray that God will allow you to rest and have peace...that is something the auther of that rubbish does not and will not have
acting that way~
Your sweet baby was perfect...just the way God wanted him to be!
God Bless,
Here from Antigone.
Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. And for your loving words to Anonymous, who is clearly very ill. My thoughts are with you and your entire family.
Antigone pointed me in your direction, and all I can say is, you are amazing. To handle Anonymous with such love - I could not have done it.
I think, in fact, that Isaac had far more consciousness than Anonymous, that Isaac was far more of a good and gentle soul.
And Misty, I'm sorry. My baby was stillborn 5 years ago, and my heart goes out to you. Blessings on your journey.
Unreal! I have been reading around and am shocked at the cruel people in this world. You handled it with the grace of a daughter of our Heavenly Father. My hat goes off to you :)
I am here through Mel's LFCA and I wanted to say how sorry I am that your son died and that this commentor was so callous to your suffering. More than callous, but cruel.
Your comment was very kind.
I, too, lost a son shortly after birth. It is a horrible thing to move on from. I wish you peace. I am so sorry.
Pray the the God of the universe, the Creator of all living, the One who knit your baby in your womb, will bless you and continue to give you the loving spirit that can only come from Jesus Himself!
I am so sorry that someone would leave a comment like that on your blog hun. Truly. And I am sorry for the loss of your precious son.
Your measured and dignified response speaks volumes about the wonderful sort of person you must be. I am not religious at all, nor do I believe in any God, but I also do NOT believe in what that anon commenter said. I find it truly disgusting. I am so sorry you had to encounter that, and I hope it was like water off a ducks back to you. You are better than that evil troll, don't let it get to you.
As the mother of a daughter stillborn at full term (my first and only) I know about this kind of pain.
All my love and wishes to you.
Here from LFCA & Antigone's blog. I am so sorry for your loss, and I am horrified that you would have to deal with such a nasty, unprovoked comment on top of your entirely justifiable grief. People who do things like that have clearly never had to walk in the shoes of a bereaved parent.
You are a better and stronger woman than I think I could ever be. Praying for you and all 4 of your babies
The photos are breathtakingly beautiful, and it was an amazing and awe-inspiring thing that you and your family did in bringing Issac into this world, knowing all too well what the outcome would be. You handled that horrid comment with a grace that few people could muster, particularly under such difficult circumstances. As you grieve this terrible loss, I hope it gives you some comfort to know that you have made a life for yourself and your children that that other aspire to. Peace to you in coming weeks and months.
I am so sorry for your loss. You are a very brave mom!
Your reply reminds of what Christ prayed on the cross; "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
How sad to not know God. To not know Christ.
off topic but funny
WV= craxlism when one discriminates against the cray fish
Thinking of you and your family tonight...I know that you'll be reunited with your sweet Isaac one day.
Misty-- I commend you on responding the way you did. You did it with grace and dignity. We all know that Isaac is with Jesus and he is well, healthy, and whole.
The Bible tells all of us Christians that we will encounter people like this and you handled it perfectly. Im sure God is pleased. I said it once and I'll say it again, "You have a beautiful family"
I am here from the LFCA as well, and I am so sorry for the loss of your child and also for that awful comment.
I agree with others who have said you were so graceful. Still, it must hurt, so I will urge you to remove it from your memory and do your best not to dwell on it.
I too received a fatal diagnosis for my son over 10 years ago (Trisomy 18 with hydrocephalus). I made a different choice than you, but I want you to know, that I would always honour and respect any choice a woman makes when we get that awful news. Your son is beautiful and I am so glad you got the chance to meet him.
The fact that the commenter didn't understand any of this tells me it IS some teenage boy with too much time and not enough parental supervision.
Personally, I'm going to pray that God tells someone who is the web host and owner of the forum that is attacking all of you, so we can let their ISP know what they are up to. Likely they are violating their terms of service and can be taken down and stopped.
Take care Misty.
Misty, you show grace and restraint that I wouldn't have.
You make me want to be a better person.
I can not even believe that a human would have written this to you. YOU are absolutely amazing! Period. Your grace is more inspirational than any I've ever known.
I'd like to say a few words to that sad, sad, soul. But YOU, my friend, said it all.
Here from LFCA -
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son, but he is beautiful and I will keep you and all of your family in my prayers. Thank you for providing such strong examples of love and faith in the ways that you extend love not only to your children, but even those who lash out because they cannot love themselves.
- Lee
You have posted wonderful family pictures of the 6 of you.
Sending prayers for stregnth and peace to you and your family.
So sorry for the lost soul that sent hurtful nonsense. Praying that God works on them.
I have been following your blog for a few weeks. I am so sorry for your loss and am sorry such a hateful person targeted you. I dont know if I could have been as gracious as you were with your reply. Your son was as much a HUMAN as my 2 and a half year old. I will pray for you and your family.
I am delurking to say that I am praying the Lord will grant your family strength and that He will carry you through this. I pray that peace will find you somehow, someway.
I am in awe of your devotion and faith in that you would show kindness and grace for your enemies as well as your friends. I strive to be that kind of Christian.
My heart pours out for you. Isaac is a beautiful angel and has touched more lives in his short time here on earth than many do in lifetimes.
God Bless,
I'm so sorry for your pain and for your loss.
And I'm sorry that you had to read such cruel words.
Wow, AMEN Misty. Said beautifully.
I came here via Karla. I've just been reading your story and am thankful you have faith and family to support you at this time. I'm inspired by your story.
Your beautiful Isaac will always live on in your incredible effervescent heart. I'm so glad you got to hold him - inside and out - and that he got to feel your love and loving arms.
Some people are just sad. Yhey feel the need to try and bring others down with them. Your response was amazing! You are amazing! That picture is just beautiful Misty!
Youare muchkinder and forgiving than I could/would be.
I am so very sorry for it all.
My heart goes out to you. I can't believe someone could be so cruel to leave a comment like that. But you are right....they need Jesus.
Just had a friend whose son and daughter-in-law lost their son at birth. Difficult to understand. Thank you for sharing your story and helping others thru this as you tweet about it. Also, thanks for letting us lift you up during this time. We don't know your pain but we are here to cry with you. Your sister in Christ.
♥ You floored me with your response! You're awesome and it was perfect! I love your perfect and beautiful pictures!
I am so sorry for your loss and for the horrible comment you received!
(here from LFCA)
Here from Antigone,
God bless you and keep you and your family all the days of your lives. I am so terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful son. I pray you are not burdened any more with cruelty but shown only the love, mercy and grace you have shown others.
I am so sorry you had to face such ugliness in what should be a safe space for you.
May you and your family continue to know the peace that surpasses understanding as you mourn Isaac.
Misty, what a beautiful, kind and loving spirit you have and well done on taking the moral high ground. I cannot even imagine how much that nasty comment must have hurt.
Your son is beautiful!
Dear Misty,
The worst and best humans have to offer are represented in your post. Your response is so beautiful and loving, and in the midst of grief, so very compassionate. As another mother mourning the loss of her child, I just want to tell you how very sorry that your beautiful son is not with you.
I am thinking and praying for your family. May God be with you during this tragic time. ((hugs))
I'm so sorry that you were on the receiving end of this persons own personal mental problems.
As an atheist I want to tell you that it's not about hate at all. Hate comes from somewhere other than non-belief.
Your graceful response shows your courage, goodness and kindness of spirit in this difficult time.
But whatever our beliefs I wish you nothing but peace and light as you grieve for your beautiful son.
With love.
I am so sorry that during such a difficult time in your life someone has SO much anger that they would say something so cruel. You handled it with such compassion. It would have been really easy to lash back out at them but you seen through the anger to recognize that they too are a child of God and that they are being used by Satan. Bless your heart.
You are an inspiration.
I am so sorry that some mentally ill person caused you more pain in this awful time. I really do suggest taking the anonymous commenting option off your blog, which doesn't prevent all horrible comments but does slow them down.
Praying for you and your family.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss. But more importantly, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy.
I don't know. When we lost our girls, the second statement was the one I wanted to hear more than anything. Thank you for sharing the photos of you and your family - you can see so clearly that you were all trying to capture the moment and the love, even amidst the pain and loss.
Wishing you peace, holding your hand. Giving you so much respect for responding to a hurtful comment the way you did.
Here from Antigone. I am so very sorry that someone wrote that to you. It stabs the heart. I'm glad that you deflected that hatred from you.
Your family is beautiful. ((((((hugs)))))))
This is the first time I have read your blog, here from Antigone, but I have to say that your response was full of grace and very kind. It saddens me that there are so many ignorant people out there that could be so mean and thoughtless in what they say. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful sona and am praying for healing for your family and your broken heart.
You are an amazing woman, precious child of God, and wonderful Mother. Your son is as beautiful to God and your family as any other child. You are showing beautiful grace and faith in our faithful Father. Bless you and your family.
I am speechless... The amount of hate that spews from that comment. You are truly amazing. Your strength and faith. Bless you and your family.
You are a beautiful and amazing person. That's all I have to say - you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. The strength you display is amazing and the world would be blessed to have more people such as yourself.
Your response was beautiful. How sad that someone has to take out their anger on a grieving mother.
Your family is beautiful and your baby boy is perfect.
Holding you and your loved ones in my heart. May God grant you peace and comfort.
I am sorry for your loss.
I can't believe people can be and are so rude. My mother taught me, if you can't say anything good, don't say it at all.
Plus if you don't like what you read, go to a different blog. You were very gracious to them, I don't know if I could have been so loving and kind. God Bless you for that.
I know you know, but I just want to reiterate: Your son's soul is perfect, whole and eternal. I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. I am heartbroken for you and your family. One day you will all be together again.
As for the anonymous commenter, how very sad for them. I wish them happiness and peace, too.
I'm so sorry for the horrible things that person said! As if our mighty God didn't give your sweet boy a soul simply because his body developed incompletely. What would that mean for the rest of us with children with incomplete brains? I am never amazed anymore at the horribleness in our fallen world. God bless,
Wow, you blow me away girl. Thank you for reminding me that grace is always an option. xoxoxo
What is wrong with people? I don't even know what to say.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son and truly sorry for the hurtful comment you received. Some people...
Misty, while everyone may have different religious beliefs, as a human being, those words should never be spoken. Respect and decency should be present in each and every person. I am sorry you even had to read something like that. You are amazing and your compassion and faith pours out of you. Amazing.
I have been reading for sometime, not sure if I ever have commented.
First, I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Loosing a baby is something I cannot even imagine.
Secondly, I'm in awe of how well you handled that comment. My heart is banging in my chest out of anger for that person.
You are such an awesome person/mom. You are in my thoughts...All of you.
most precious and most perfect, so truly is your son. i am sorry for your loss and embrace the love that swelled in my heart because of the grace and compassion you have shown for the person so obviously bereft of it.
you have my prayers as does this other person.
I'm de-lurking to say that I'm praying for you and your family. My heart just aches so badly for you all. And i'm So sorry that someone had leave that Horrible comment. You are a better christian then me because i'm not sure I could have been that forgiving. God Bless you and your family
I found you through Antigone, and what a blessing to read your story, to see and read about Isaac, and know that he was here. Your response to Anonymous was that of a child well-loved by her Father. :) Nicely done, Sister!
I just found you through Antigone's site. I am awed by your courage. Your son was beautiful. I wish you all comfort and peace in the hard days ahead.
Misty what a beautiful comment you left for that person! You are amazing! I think that person really does need our prayers because he/she must be in a very dark place to believe that there is no God! You have shown how great God is just by your comment and courage!
I take my hat off to you!!!
God bless!
Wow, that response just really made me sick to my stomach. How someone could talk about a baby that way just makes me ill. You handled that very, very well!
Here from Antigone's blog, couldn't not comment.
God bless your family; I hope you can all feel at least some peace knowing that Isaac is in Heaven, and his playmates are angels. :) I hope that anonymous man or woman can realize that someday and be at peace, too. Sending prayers for your struggle.
Some people like to lash out, and be cruel and hurtful. Why? I am not certain if they believe they are being funny, or if they are just plain sadistic, or perhaps, something has scarred them so deeply, they want to make others experience their pain.
No matter, you handled it perfectly, I am proud of your response.
Your photos of Isaac are precious.
Being allowed only 70 minutes with your little boy, and managing to make each second count, each second matter, each second a memory, is quite admirable. God bless you and yours,
Take care,
There are many lost and hateful people in this world. They attack those they THINK are weaker than they. Little does this person know of the love a mother has for her children. We will protect them as a lioness does her cubs.
Misti- You handled the comments much better than I. It has been about a week or so and I still feel such anger and outrage that another person could write such vile and hurtful things about a "perfect" little baby amd his family. Hopefully one day they turn to our lord and savior and they get on the path to true happiness.
i too am here from Antigone's place, if a little late.
first, your Isaac was beautiful. congratulations on his birth, and i'm so sorry his life was as brief as it was...but i know he will be a part of your heart and family forever.
second, i don't believe in God. but i believe life is worthy of respect and love. what anonymous wrote is cruel and disgusting and i reject it and am so so terribly sorry you were the object of such sickness. both you and Isaac deserve nothing but gentleness.
I am so sorry that anyone would try to send any hatred your way, especially during a time of such pain and sorrow. Please know there are many kind people in this world who are thinking about you and your family right now, and sending you strength and love. Bless you, your family, and sweet Isaac.
Well I'm more convinced than ever that there is a battle going on for the soulds of our unborn...the ugly comment was an attack in a battle for the right to live, even if it's for 70 minutes. The enemy is very angry at the parents who decide to allow their child the opportunity to live. This opportunity speaks voulmes...every life has worth! and that is why the enemy is so angry! These life giving parents have snubbed the enemy in his nose. He says they have no value and so many beleive it. Then comes along life giving parents who STAND UP and say NOT SO this child is from YHWH/God and for that reason alone has worth!
The abortionalist HATE those of us who actually live what we believe even if it comes at the cost of our own personal pain.
To you my dear sister I solute, and stand with you in prayer battling the enemy of our souls, proclaiming that all life comes from the Father and has WORTH!
YahChna in TN
Wow. I'm so sorry for that comment! I found your blog via Kami's Khlopchyk. I'm so sorry about the loss of your precious son Isaac. I'm thankful, though, that you have faith in our Heavenly Father who is bringing you and your family through this hard time.
I can't read all of these 135 comments--wow, you have a lot of people who love you--but I just wanted to say, what a horrible and hateful and sad person to leave a comment like this!
I can't believe someone would go out of their way to say something so MEAN.
After everything you've been through!
You handled this with such class, Misty.
You are so brave to go through what you did. No one deserves a comment like this, and you responded with such grace. I do not allow anonymous comments for just this reason. My heart is breaking with you.
What a wonderful, forgiving person you are. I'm SO sorry you even had to read something like this... But your loving and gracious response just proves that you are just the same, loving and gracious.
Oh, geez. I just learned of this. I am so sorry. I'd like to write a lot of expletives, but out of respect for you I will not. :)
Thinking of you and praying for you.
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy Issac.
I can't understand what possible motivation someone could have to write something so twisted and hurtful as that comment. I do not recall reading anything so underhandedly awful before -- perhaps that was precisely the motivation. My guess is this person does not understand even a portion of the pain that such words cause. The best i can say is that i hope they never know that pain either. And -- whether there is a God or not, anon. has demonstrated that there surely is evil to spare...
Hi Misty,
I only just started a blog in memory of my daughter Addison and I have to say reading that comment scared me, I'm not sure I would be able to handle someone writting something like that on her page. I think you are an amazingly strong person to have been able to respond with kind and loving words. My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss.
My hearts is heavy for the pain your mother's heart must be going through.
I only hope if i ever am confronted with a person like this that i respond with as much grace and dignity as you have. Thank you for being a godly example to the rest of us.
Your response doesn't even phase me . . . hand of God, my sweet friend.
Hand of God . . .
Hello. I just came across your blog and have been sitting here reading with tears flowing. I cannot even begin to imagine what you've gone through, but I can tell that your faith in God is wonderful. I cannot believe that someone would post this comment. It sickens me, to the point that I feel horrible anger towards that. I just wanted to tell you that you are a better person than I could ever be, because I wouldn't have been able to be a graceful in my reply.
you and your beautiful family are in my prayers. Issac is beautiful.
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