My husband and I took these pictures together today. I'm going to miss this belly. All the stretch marks will remain, but my sweet child won't be alive there any more. I feel like time is running out, slipping away faster then I can grasp it. My heart fully realizes the immense sacrifice that is coming. My heart aches in a different way.
For now we prepare, we wait, we sob, we dream, we hope..... We know Wednesday will be here all together too soon.
We'll welcome our sweet baby Isaac into our arms just like we have done our others, and some how.... some how God remains the same, and life moves on.... even if it drags us behind.

Oh Misty. What precious pictures! I cry with you, sweet friend.
Misty, those are beautiful pictures! I know that you will cherish them always.
Your pictures are beautiful. Your family is in my thoughts.
THat last one is so amazing. You and your family are doing so well to prepare - I'm amazed by your strength. I'll be fasting for you on Wednesday.
what gorgeous pictures. one day, down the road, you will be glad to have these, as painful as they are. you will be glad that you are embracing your son and making the most of the time you have with him. but i know that right now, that doesn't make the pain any easier to bear.
praying with you & for you. do you know what time you'll be going in to deliver your son? i'd like to be praying during that time.
- michelle
Misty, those pics are beautiful and poignant. Certainly, something you will treasure always. I am also in shock that the time is drawing so close so quickly. I hope you are feeling well. Try to take it easy and just enjoy these last days with Isaac moving and squirming inside. I have been and will be keeping you in my prayers as the days go on.
Even though I have only followed your story for a short time, I find my mind drawn to you and your family continuously. These pictures are so precious and will, one day, bring you peace.. The one of your beautiful daughter resting on your belly says so much more than any words can say about how you have handled your family through this sad time. LIttle Isaac couldn't have been blessed with a better family...
I will be praying for your peace on Wed. and that you have even a moment or two with Isaac. Please know how many people will be thinking of your family and would like to take away your pain. LIttle Isaac will be with you always in your hearts until your together for eternity.
bless you all,,
Becky B. from upstate NY
My heart aches for you. We will continue keeping your family in our prayers. Do call me for anything. My schedule is mostly flexible and there are many things I can do to help. Even if it's just cry with you.
Hi Misty! The pictures are wonderful! Definitely something to cherish. Wed will come all too soon and I will be thinking of you.
These are beautiful pictures, Misty.
I thought of you a lot during conference today as so many talks centered on comfort after losing a loved one.
I love you. A whole lot.
Having been where you are now, my heart sincerely goes out to you.
The day that our Samuel was born, it was a very very sweet day. We rejoiced in the creation God made in him. He was a loved baby boy with a beautiful and purpose-filled life. I know it will be the same for your family. It will be bittersweet, but it will be sweet.
I'll be in prayer for you in the days ahead - for peace and comfort as you say goodbye and for sustaining grace as your arms ache for your son. I look forward to watching God work in your life. He is a faithful and loving God.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
By the way, I forgot to say that I absolutely love the picture of your daughter embracing baby brother Isaac in the womb. So beautiful and touching.
Those pictures will make beautiful memories for you...
Take care of yourself these next few days, I am thinking of you and your family
Oh honey, I can't even imagine. Today, I ran 12 miles. For you. For Issac. For your family. I cried when I was done. For you.
It's all I know how to do to honour you and Issac.
You are constantly in my thoughts and will remain there.
Misty, I just read your latest blog and my heart goes out to you, it is still fresh in my mind of our little Carleigh and I miss her so much and I will pray hard for you especially on Wed. that all goes the way you want it to. Keep the faith, Honey, and God will help you through it.
Linda (Holly's mom)
The photos are beautiful and touching. You all are in my thoughts & prayers.
Sending prayers and loving thoughts.
Those are beautiful and tender pictures. I have repeatedly been touched by your strength and faith. You are an amazing woman and a beloved child of Heavenly Father. We will be praying for you, and I too know that Heavenly Father will carry your family through this.
--A friend of Lara's
So beautiful.
I will be praying for you this week.
What beautiful pictures!!! Those will be so priceless and precious.
The pictures are beautiful. I love LOVE the one with your oldest on your tummy.
Wednesday will be here tooooooo soon, my dear. Thinking of you constantly.
I just found your blog but wanted to say that I will be praying for you. Our son Haven has been in Heaven for 5 years now, but it seems like just yesterday we were right where you are today. God bless you!
I recently found your blog and am amazed by your faith, courage, and strength. I will be praying for you, Isaac, and your wonderful family tomorrow.
those are precious pictures to remember a little one who is so loved even before his is here. I wish you much strength, comfort and the knowledge that morning the life of your sweet baby son, is the best gift you can give him and your other children. I hope that you can all find peace in this challenging situation
Nice picture!! Btw the initials "I.B.N" if put together form the word "ibn" which means son in Arabic!
That's so awesome!
I have followed through to your blog from Myrah's. These pictures are beautiful and the memories will be dear. The picture of your daughter resting her head so close to Issac...says more than any words themselves can say.
I shall keep each of you in prayer.
I feel like our little ones gave us the gift of unconditional love - knowing it like never before. Sending love to your beautiful family.
Oh my goodness, these photos are so beautiful and touching. I'm praying for you and your sweet family.
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