
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Twenty one days have now come and gone since we met our mighty Isaac. Today was a bit touch and go, but we got through it. And not only got through it, but I was productive today. The house is clean. We went to the grocery store as a family tonight. We ate homemade food, the washing is swishing away - I even gardened a little bit today. Not too bad for a bad day - - agree??

Back to my Isaac's birth story. I've have scheduled c-sections with my babies after I gave birth to my oldest child vaginally, and she got stuck on the way out. Not pretty. Not nice. Not pleasant. VERY painful. My c-section was scheduled with Isaac at 34.5 weeks because of the high amniotic levels I was carrying around. I was informed a normal water level is up to 25. 25-35 was high, and at 33 weeks I was toting around a level of 44 and gaining. And boy could I tell. During delivery the water was very apparent. Apparent spilling over onto the floor, apparent spurting out in a spray, and apparent when we ran out of suction cups. I filled over 3 containers - usually a woman needs one per surgery. My Doc said I set the record - - 12 liters., 25 pounds or so of JUST water. Nice.

I suppose the only other mishaps of the day was my IV and my spinal block. Friends, I was poofy head to toe with water. They could not find a vein to poke to save their lives. OUCH. And my spinal block - - my spinal block took FOUR attempts. Not fun. NOT comfortable. Not to mention it HURTS. Bee sting poke, my BUTT! I would have to say that was the closest I came to blowing a fuse, hunched over my WAY too big belly, try not to tip off the table, and trying hard to not be smothered by Andrew, who was trying to make sure I was staying put. Whatever.

Next time. Now, next time we'll talk about the birth of an angel, my angel. We'll talk about it when I am a little more with it, and a little more strong.

Till then, Ladies. I love you. Each and every one of you.


Mrs. Spit said...

Sending hugs. You are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you continue to gain strength. xxx

Celia said...

I understand very much about the "too swollen" thing. I too am swelling to sizes I didn't think I could. My hands and feet feel like uncoordinated sausages. The foot swelling is actually so bad that last night my left foot was throbbing!

I look forward to hearing more about the day that you met your precious Isaac! No rush though!

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I really enjoyed chatting w/you the other day and hope we can meet up and do it again!

Holly said...

It doesn't seem like 21 days (22 now). Where does the time go? Kudos to you for getting so much done! Very well for a bad day! I must admit that my whole time off hasn't been even that productive in the cleaning department. I've kept it tidy and I've swept but nothing prolly like I should do since I'm at home.

You sure did have a lot of fluid. When they broke my water I thought I had a lot! It was more than I had with Kyndra. At my last scheduled US I think my level was at 20 but that doesn't even compare to yours! When you described all the fluid I had an image in my head of it flooding the OR. lol

I'm so sorry that you got poked so many times. Not fun!

Love you!

Aunt Becky said...

You my lady,,, are amazing.. I'm so thankful you had a productive day. You are strong and you keep going... I'm sorry you had to go through so much with your IV's and spinal.... yuck....
Bless you,
Becky B.

Klin said...

I'm not sure I'm that productive on a good day! Kudos to you.

I had excess fluid with my last child. I, too, spilled all over the floor and soaked my doctor. I did not have as much as you did. WOW.

I hate getting poked. Period. When it's hard to find the vein, well let's just say I did explode. I had a spinal headache with the last one, yea she had lots of complications, and the anesthesiologist poked me until I was bruised from wrist to shoulder. I yelled at him to get me a phlebotomist that knew what they were doing. Hubs gave him dirty looks, so he did. Much better after than. I wouldn't have been as nice had it been my spine they were fishing around in.

Here's hugs to you. {{{{Misty}}}} You are still in my prayers.

Nicole said...

Oh wow I can only imagine how you were feeling with all that fluid and them poking you all those tims! I know my last spinal really really hurt too and I was only poked once.
((hugs)) It DOES not seem like its been 21 or 22 days.....

Michele said...

Continuing to hold you and your family close to my heart.

Lindsey said...

I am still praying for you, sweet friend. I am inspired from all your hard work on your "bad" day! Wow! You are being oh-so-productive! Sending you hugs!

Debbie said...

Thinking of you. It's so good to hear from you and know you are doing ok.
Sending you love and hugs.

The Birthday Group said...

HOORAY for you!!!! Those productive days make you feel so good. That is excellent.

My daughter who had her baby 2 weeks ago gained about 30 pounds of water and she looked like a giant stay puff marshmallow man. I felt so bad for her, she looked so miserable. I'm sorry to hear you had similar conditions. I can't imagine how that felt.

You are doing such an awesome job! I am proud of you!

Debbie..VVT (which hasn't been a very good one)

Pokeyann said...

Good job with the whole domestic goddess! And holy crap...12 liters!!! So does the hospital give you an award? A nice plaque maybe? Love you tons!

Holly said...

I think about you daily...and I don't even know you! I am just so amazed by you and your ability to keep everything in perspective.

Mom Putnam said...

I agree spinal blocks are no fun--had them with my c-sections with katrina and holly and it is not a bee sting either!!! You are amazing. Take your time to recover and we will all be here for you when you are ready to tell us about Isaac.

Cheryl said...

Small steps, one day at a time. You are one heck of a fighter! It is amazing how the body works.... I hope you are startig to heal physically, I can only imagine what your body has been through
thinking of you..

Rebecca said...

Others have said the same thing I have to say...I don't even know you and yet you are in my prayers and written about on my blog, and on the prayer roll at the temple. One day at a time, dear day at a time.

Anonymous said...

4 attempts...ouch! I had one too, and it was not pleasant at all. Of course it is the men that say "now this shouldn't hurt, just uncomfortable."
you are often in my thoughts and prayers.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

A bad day but yet still productive, you are so very strong. Still in my heart and in my prayers :)

Whitney said...

Bless you for being so strong-I can't even imagine how hard it is! Hope you can feel my arms around you right now!

Alicia W. said...

Misty, you amaze me with each and every post you do since that day 21days ago. I'm so proud of you for getting out of bed each and every day and attempting to do something that makes you put a smile on your beautiful face.

One step at a time sweetheart, one step at a time. Much love and prayers from SC!

Thompson family said...

You are amazing Misty! I can't believe how much fluid you had. I hope each day continues to get better for you and your family. Already gardening...we turned our dirt over and haven't gotten much further. Thinking of you and sending love your way.

just jamie said...

I'll follow in your strength, Misty.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Spinals and epidurals really do hurt a LOT when you're not in labor. When you're in labor you don't much notice it, but when you're not, OWW!!
I don't get to visit much but I think of you and pray for you often.

Life in the circus said...

You are a beautiful, strong woman. God must think very highly of you to send you such a precious soul to love and cherish and remember.

thekatsmeow said...

You poor thing. I had two spinals, one was a bee sting, the second was a horrible nerve type pain that I never want to feel again, in fact the spot where the needle went in hurt for approximately 9 years after my son's birth, felt like a bruise if you touched it. I think it depends on who is doing it.

You are in my thoughts. I wish for you healing, peace, love, joy, health and happiness for your entire family. I'd like to share a personal story with you privately that may help. If you are up for it and get the chance, please contact me.

Virtual HUGS included in this message. :)

Loralee and the gang... said...

Gardening helps to heal my soul, too. I never had to walk the path that you are on, so I can only imagine the pain you must feel. Keep your chin up! We are all pulling for you!