
Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's official.

It's official. I took the first pill. The first pill that begins the start of my fertility treatments. And. I dragged my feet. Dragged them because I know I'm in for a not-so-happy tummy, but, it's just part of the party. I'm excited. Nervous. Scared. Trying to block out the "what if it doesn't work?", and replace those words with "I'll be pregnant in no time *shrieks of glee*". You ready for the ride? It might get ugly. I'm warning you boys out there. My one boy reader that I know of. This blog may turn into several posts full of TMI (too much information). So. The warning is as follows: buyers beware. You might get a brain full. Run. Fast. Run far, far away.

I talked to this way cool guy tonight. I love him. He's one of my bestest friends. He's my brudder.... yes, I just wrote that. He's my Keefers. And. He doesn't read this blog, so that's his name, and I'm sticking to it. The "mom and dad" came for a visit. To see him. Not me. Yikes, I know. Scarey, I know that too. He explained that the visit was alright, that they still don't do any thing normal people do (some things never change), and he also said some thing else that made my ears tingle. He said he hated that when people meet them, they seem so nice, so put together, like no one would ever know. He said to his girlfriend, and I loved this, he said "You are meeting some one I don't know, I know a person different then you're meeting". He's right. It's true. It's not like they walk around with a sign tattooed on their heads (or asses) that say "child abusers, kid beaters". No one knows what they really were were "love with-holders, dreams killers, prison enforcers". Part of me wants every one to know. They suck. And just a little part of me wants to give them a quick, hard kick in the ass. Right out the door. They better not mess with my brudder. This girl learned how to kick some ass - from the best ass kickers around - them.

Ironic, isn't it?


Marie Rayner said...

I just hate that you had this horrific childhood Misty and a huge piece of me wants to kick their asses too. Nevermind . . . I am so excited for you. Last night Todd and I were sitting here and talking and we said that we are both too old now and would never want to start a family again at our ages . . . but secretly I think we both would, if only we still could . . .

Heather said...

You seem to have turned into a loving, caring person despite what they did to you. Good luck with the fertility meds. I'll be waiting to read about how it goes.

Pokeyann said...

Babies, babies and more babies!!! YAY!!! I'm excited for you! And I know parts are hard, but parts are awesome, focus on the awesome. Because you are soooo waaaaay awesome.
ooooooo, the "parents", I feel you, everytime I think about when my "parents" come here, I immediately put it out of my mind. Because avoidance will work, right?!, well at least for a minute or two ;). But that doesn't matter because we are busy, busy bees thinking about babies!
Love you sooo much!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ How exciting! So did you have to use fertility on your first 3? We did with the twins. I hope it happens very quickly for you guys!!! How exciting!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Babies and TMI-I am sooo in! :)

I have a feeling that both you and your brudder are so very strong, and don't take any shit at all from anyone. :) I will totally help you kick them in the ass. It would make my day.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Good luck with your journey Misty, I so wish that I could be going on that journey too but yet, I don't because it means my marriage won't be stressed...

It will happen for you!

And your "parents". UGH. I hate them and I don't really believe in hate but I hate what they did to you and your siblings. Hate it.


One more to help you with the kick in the ass.

just jamie said...

Oooh. To think there are people like this walking all around us and we smile politely and just don't know. Ick.

Yay for fertility meds. Yay for another baby in the family.

Karla said...

Yay for a woman forging forward, bringing children into the world to cherish and nourish! I wish you and you children the BEST. I think I've said it before, I really admire your strength and deliberate attitude toward building a caring home for your family.

utmommy said...

Good luck! I hope all goes well for you and your family!

Laski said...

You know I'll be thinking of you . . . I can't wait to hear all about it.

BTW, I know those parents all too well . . .

Mandi said...

Will be right here next to you through it all!!! xxx love you!

TUTU Monkey said...

Yeah for your fertility journey.... many people have masks on .....I want to kick some booty with you!!