
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Farm It Up.

With out fail, I am proved over and over again, that my children are capable of making me eat my words. For instance. This little Miss. Rides a pony, and loves it? WHAT? She is still asking for more!

With out fail, I've realized that I am capable of taking care of my children when they are sick, but it really pisses me off to be my husband's nurse. For today, for example. I haven't been so nice. Am I evil? Get your own damn barf bucket.

With out fail, when ever I really need to be careful when I pour something, I spill it. Like today. I spilled powerade on my computer. I sure did.

This starts the last week of summer vacation. I'm a little sad, well, a lot sad. Where did the freaking time go? It slipped right through my fingers. The kids and I are on our own this week, partying it up. Due to my husbands large pay cut, decreased vacation time, and increased over time hours - - the kids and I will have to manage having fun every day with out him. Sad, I know. Not joking.

We have something planned every day this week - - that is - - if the kids get over their stomach bug in time. I've been in an interesting place the past week - - trying to swallow my husband's thousand-dollar-a-month pay cut, increasing my own work hours, while increasing my feeling that I just don't know how to get it all done. All the while starting to take the first of three fertility drugs I'm on. I fear I'm slowing losing it.

Which may be the perfect time to switch gears and show you these! We went to Farm Country yesterday, and had a blast. I love seeing my kids happy. **sigh**


Ashley said...

Oh man, that is rough. I am so sorry to hear that. When Jeremy lost his job I went nuts. His new job has the same base salary but there is no commission. It has made things real tight. Luckily you have adorable kids. Looks like they had a lot of fun.

4funboys said...

ahh... those are some fantastic pix. I love to see my kids happy too... and seeing your post made me wish I could give my boys a chance to go ride a pony - they love it too!

Awesome Mom said...

Cute pictures!

I am super solicitous of my kids when they are sick, but my husband not so much. I figure that he does not baby me when I am sick so why should he expect it from me. He also always seems to get everything worse than me *rolling eyes* At least he can call in sick to work, I don't ever get that luxury.

Marie Rayner said...

You have such a beautiful family Misty, but then again that's no surprise! I have loved seeing these lovely pictures of them enjoying their day with the ponies. I am sure you'll have a wonderful last week of summer holidays and build lots of lovely memories for each other. (((hugs))) Men always get things worse than women . . . can you imagine the fuss if they actually had to give birth???

TUTU Monkey said...

Your children are so cute......there is such a special little twinkle in your son's eyes....I want to squeeze him!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Cute cute! How much fun!!! :)

Anna-b-bonkers said...

Fun photos!!
And I too feel like summer is slipping away.....way too fast!

Anonymous said...

How cute are they? Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you guys had fun.
I am sorry for the income changes. That is so stressful. Just take it a day at a time. You are only one person. Things will work out, in God's time. I know you know that. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

So does he get your barf bucket when you're sick? Hmmm....

I hate income changes. You can do this. Love the pictures.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Those are great pictures! Looks like a fun day :-)