
Monday, August 4, 2008

Some things never change.

Guess what I spent my Monday evening doing? I'm behind as I can get. Some things never change.


Marie Rayner said...

One of my very favourite visiting teacher visits one time was when myself and my partner helped a young mum fold all her laundry so that she could put it away. I wish I was your visiting teacher so that I could help you, but alas . . . I'm not so you'll just have to content yourself with the thought that I'd like to be! I am really lucky now . . . I have a Todd that does all our laundry, and ironing too. It's hard to remember how lucky I am when he's dyed my white things pink or navy blue sometimes . . . but I try. :-)

Thompson family said...

Misty!! Too funny! I almost took a picture of my girls sleeping on our living room floor because their sheets are still in the dryer since I'm so good at getting laundry done! :) I HATE laundry more than anything...if I was a millionaire I'd just keep buying new clothes or hire a maid!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

There are only a few certainties in life... death, taxes AND laundry!

Good luck, I hope you whoop laundry's ASS!

Anonymous said...

freakin' laundry!! Ack, I refused to do any this weekend, so I started it this morning before work. Not the brightest idea, considering it will all still be in varing stages of hell in the laundry room by the time the weekend comes around again!

Karla said...

Why did you post such a terrifying picture!!!!! My kids are afraid of what lurks in the closet . . . I am afraid of what lurks in the luandry room!!!!!

TUTU Monkey said...

How did you get in my house?...........Oh I am glad I am not the only one:)

just jamie said...

I'm pretty good at washing the laundry. Not so much with the putting it away part. Ugh. At least we're not alone in our laundry parties.

Anna-b-bonkers said...

Crap, that looks like my whole house!
I am soooo in the same boat, it hurts!

Amy said...

I share in your pain and suffering. Washing is the easy part - putting away is painful! Best of luck.

utmommy said...

Don't you just love laundry :}

Are You Serious! said...

♥ So not my favorite chore. Oh wait I don't have a favorite they all stink! :)

Lindsey said...

Oh dear! Your laundry pile is definitely competition for mine. ICK!

Good luck with all the baby making, sweetie! I'm definitely along for the ride:)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Well, my laundry is somewhat caught up, but I'm a week behind in even commenting on your post! How's that for having it together?