
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Picture Perfect.

Hannah's been working out her grief over Isaac through art work.

Hannah drawing for Isaac.

Ian playing like Isaac would have.

Isaac's memory box... we're slowing adding to it.

xo Misty


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Her drawings are great! :)

Lara Neves said...

I love her drawings. Artwork can be so therapeutic...good for her.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

She is very talented! The memory box is such a great will treasure him forever :)

Kat said...

Very healthy ways to grieve. I'm so glad you are keeping that memory box. What a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the pictures she drew are so sweet.
And the memory box is such a great idea.

Maggie May said...

i came this way via Jason, and wanted to send you some momma love. i'm so sorry you lost your beautiful baby boy. your family love is so very clear. and i had a shit childhood too, and i have three kids who i have made sure have the love and safety i never did.
much love to you.

The Girl Next Door said...

Just found you through the Jason Show and sitting here reading and crying and praying and wondering how you have the strength for it all. Your children are truly so blessed....

Busy Bee Suz said...

I hopped over from Jason.
The pictures your children have drawn are lovely. This brings tears to my are so brave to be speaking about your turmoil. You are a wonderful Mom and your children are blessed.
I am going to be thinking of your family and praying for peace for all of you- Suz

Anonymous said...

Her drawings are adorable. I am so glad to see your children so incredibly strong and positive. Stay strong, mama.