
Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's her fault.

I fully plan on using my pregnancy as my "get out of jail totally free" card.

I would also like to put it out there that I am having daily..... some times hourly... meltdowns. And, it's the baby's fault. I'm sticking to that story.


I talked to a friend tonight.

She talked me out of quitting. She's kinda sweet like that. And it is my duty to keep her identity top secret. I'm cool like that. I keep secrets. Mwwwaaaaahhhhhhhhahahahah.


Another thing.

I cleaned up Olivia's barf today. I smelled it, touched it, cleaned it up. I did all of that, even being in this condition.

And if that isn't enough to make you feel bad for me and keep reading my blog, I'm out of ideas.

Because the more I think about it, this may be a bumpy ride.

Feel free to roll yours eyes now...... I can feel it happening......


Laski said...

I LOVE bumpy rides. The bumpier the better . . .

Bring it on . . .


Marie Rayner said...

((((HUG)))) I just thought you could might use one. You are on an emotional roller coaster for sure. I wish we lived closer so I could help you out some. You are such a sweet gal and I just love you to pieces. I've been rather busy lately and my blog reading time has been hit and miss, and I missed a couple of days and am playing catch up today. I would have felt so bad if I had seen your Wednesday post. I've looked for you on MSN quite a few times but haven't found you. Blame the time difference I guess! Glad to hear your tummy is feeling a bit better! That's a big step, being able to clean up barf without wanting to barf yourself! I'm not sure I could do that even now and I'm NOT pregnant! Way to go YOU!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I'm glad you're stinking around! :)

Kat said...

So glad you are staying put! :)

Lara Neves said...

I am glad you aren't leaving your blog, but nobody knows better than I do about how hard it is to deal with a sick pregnancy. Blogging just takes a back seat. When I was pregnant with Sophie, I hardly wrote, and I don't think I mentioned things like how I was hospitalized at 9 weeks for throwing up all the time, etc. :) So we all understand if you post like once a month. Really. :)


Lindsey said...

Hang in there. Pregnancy is hard....just keep your eye on the prize:)

Heather said...

I was really confused that you were quitting, so I'm glad to hear you changed your mind.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I wish I was closer, so I could give you a real shoulder of support!!

Awesome Mom said...

I am glad that you are not quitting! Pregnancy does a lot of crazy things to you, hang in there!

just jamie said...

How far along are you my friend? Will the pukey part be ending soon, I hope (for your sake)?

Love to you...

Ashley said...

I am just catching up on bloglines, and started sweating when I read you were quitting. Few, your staying. When...I mean if, I ever have another baby, I am sure I won't be bloggin much! I get super sick, dehydrated, etc. Plus I have the rest of my family to take care of too. Just blog every once in a while, We'd all miss you too much if you left for good!


Mandi said...

My gorgeous friend, I am so glad you are stil blogging!!!!! I know that I would never loose touch (because of email), but its nice to be able to check in on you when things are hectic and know that I can quickly type - hey love you!!! and you will get it.

I look forward to the journey we are all about to take with you, love it love it love it, I cant have any more children so I can do this through you!!!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

So...are you staying, or are you going??? You're stressing me out, lady!! :) hugs to you!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Um dude, I can now speak to you again since you are not quitting and all.

Give that friend a hug from me. I love her without even knowing her.

I have trouble with the puke without dealing with morning sickness... you are a rock!

YAY for not quitting!

Ps I am happy you aren't quitting in case that didn't come through here ;-)