
Monday, October 13, 2008

We're BOTH alive.

Friends. Especially ones I know out of blog land. I've barely been functioning. We're had a scare here in pregnancy valley. I've been experiencing some bleeding... coming and going... off and on....Wasn't quite sure what was up with my growing babe. But. Good news. The babe is alive, healthy, and formed just right.

I'm officially coming back to the land of the living, now that I can cope with my life. Uncertainty? Not my friend.


Klin said...

Yay for both of you. Take it easy if you need to. You're growing a baby:)

just jamie said...

Whew. Those ultrasound pics are SO cool. Miss you. Hope life is happy. Wish I could join you in the pregnancy journey. Sorry I've been MIA -- love to you all!

Lara Neves said...

Oh, that is scary for sure! I was just thinking about you today and wondering how everything was going. I'm glad to see this post. Stay rested. :)

Thompson family said...

Misty! I'm so sorry. I'm glad to see that both the baby and you are okay. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes okay! Miss you!

XOXO Angie

Pokeyann said...

I'm so glad everything is o.k. I've decided I live too far away... I miss you. And often want to run over and give you big hugs!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I've been thinking about you a lot. I'm glad everything is ok.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Glad everything is okay and terribly sorry you had such a scare. Take care of you and that little bean!


Marie Rayner said...

Oh Misty, how scary. I shall keep you in my prayers. Glad that the baby is healthy though. Take care of yourself and take it easy girl!

Monica said...

Happy to know you're both okay. Nothing worse than having a scare like that after you've just experienced the joy of finding out you're pregnant. We'll be praying that all progresses well and that your little family will be safe and happy. Love you.

Anonymous said...

That is so scary! I am glad things have turned out ok. I have bled with all of my pregnancies and there is nothing more unnerving for sure. . . but it is actually really more common than I ever thought.

Big Hugs! So glad things are going great.


kathyann said...

Misty,Just trying to catch up with everyone again and I find out you're pregnant Wow!!!Congratulations to you both.
Sorry to hear you had a scare,you must have been so worried,I'm so glad you are doing ok now,please take it easy and take care
Love from Kathy and the girls

Laski said...

I was thinking about you a lot today. I am so glad things are going OK.

I experienced bleeding off and on with J. I was a mess . ..

Until I saw him.

And the doctors assured me all was good.

But, I was still cautious. How can you not be?

I'm thinking of you . . .

Anonymous said...

Whew! So glad to hear! Please rest lots and lots!