
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thy Will be Done.

I came across this last night:

All of the earth's Mothers were gathered at God's garden of flowers;

Those beautiful budding spirits

Who could someday come to earth

Were nurtured and tended in the Holy garden.

A Loving Father spoke to the Mothers of earth.

"See the works of my hands,

Someday you will be the mother's of these radiant spirits."

The Garden of God glowed with a mixture of all of the colors.

"Choose ye", He said.

Now in the East corner of the garden

Pure white roses stood as sentinels.

They were not so colorful as the rest,

But glowed with a kind of purity

Which set them apart.

One by One the Mothers stepped forward;

"I want the blue eyes one, the curly haired one,

Who will grow to maturity and be a mother in Zion."

Yet another chose a brown eyed brown haired boy,

Full of life and love

That would someday be a prince in a grand country.

The Garden buzzed with excitement as the others with their own special spirits

Those they would soon welcome into the warmth

And love of an earthy home.

Once again, Heavenly Father spoke;

"But who will take the White Roses,

The ones in the east corner of my garden?

These will return to me in purity and goodness.

They will not stay long in your home

For I must bring them back to my garden

For they belong to me

But they will gain bodies as planned

You will miss them

And Long for them

But I will personally care for them"

"NO!,NOT I" many of the earthly Mothers said in unison.

"I couldn’t bear to give one back so soon"

"Nor I" said other mothers.

We will take those who will remain and grow to maturity

and live long lives.

The Heavenly Father looked out across the multitude of Mothers

With longing in his eyes for someone to step forward


Then Heavenly Father said;

"See the most pure white and perfect of all the white ones?

I chose him.

He will go down and be a sacrifice for all mankind.

He will be scorned, mocked and crucified.

He is my OWN,

Will not anyone choose like unto Him?"

A few mothers stepped forward

Yes Lord I will

Then another as well

And then some in unison said YES we will

Soon all the pure white roses were taken

And they rejoiced in the choice in their mothers.

Heavenly Father spoke again

"Oh blessed are you who chose the white roses.

Your pain will be a Heavy Cross to bear

But your joy will be exceeding

Beyond anything you can understand at this time."

The white one embraced their mothers

And so full was their purity and love

That it filled their souls with such excitement.

Each mother knew they could endure the tasks.

The GREATEST of all the white roses gathered them

As a hen gathers her chicks

And the out pouring of love surrounded each mother and child,

Consuming all the white ones and their mothers

As he prepared them for their task.

Each mother who bore the weight of the white rose

Felt the overwhelming Love of God

As they all shouted

"Thy Will be Done"

"Parents who have surrendered the sweetest and smallest flowers from the family's garden need to remember our Heavenly Father. He has promised a special reward to those who now suffer in silence, who spend long days and longer nights through their trying times of bereavement. Our Creator has promised glory. He said, 'For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but nigh at hand.' (D&C 58:4) That promised glory includes the blessing of reunion with each child who has left the family circle to help surviving members of the family to draw nearer to God. Those children still live and are a heritage to the Lord." Russell M. Nelson


Michele said...

how beautiful... I'll link to this post...

Pokeyann said...

Wow, that's beautiful.

Amy said...

I needed that. More than I thought. To cry, to cleanse, and then to feel strong again. I love you.

Lara Neves said...

I recently read that on my friend Crystal's blog. It is incredibly powerful, and I know it has a large element of truth to it. You amaze me.

Mom Putnam said...

Misty, That was absolutely beautiful. Well, spoken for the heart and from the heart. You, my dear friend, are a wonderful mother, woman and friend. May God continue to bless you with his redeeming grace.

Celia said...

*sniff* That was beautiful....I think I will repost to my blog as well. I can't say I chose the white rose.....rather the white rose chose me....but I'm proud either way.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful post. You have a beautiful family and I am so sorry for the loss of your Isaac.

trennia said...

Beautifully said.

The Birthday Group said...

I loved this post. It is so touching.

Trisha Larson said...

I've heard my Mormon friends talk about this before. I know that they believe that we are angels before we come to earth and we sort of "sign up" for our earthly experiences. I didn't really understand where they were coming from because I don't read The Book of Mormon. But, it is a beautiful thought to think that someone volunteered for this path.


The Drama Mama said...

I just found your blog through another persons. You are such a strong woman! I have been reading for the past hour. Your blog is so strong and beautiful.

The Drama Mama said...

This is my second comment to you in the last few days since I found your blog. I am feeling like a stalker LOL. I spent so long reading your journey and going through a whole box of tissues. Isaac is beautiful. I realised while reading that we not only share the same religion but the same state. I am in Orem. What an amazing woman you are, with such a positive outlook on life. What a lucky little guy to be back in the arms of our Father waiting for you. They say the perfect ones like Isaac are so perfect they are needed in Heaven, and only come here for a short time for a body. Along with grief, it must be amazing knowing that you were the chosen one to be his mother. That such a perfect being blessed your life even for a short time. Your blog has been on my mind since I read it and I felt like I needed to come back and say that. You and your sweet family are in my prayers tonight.