
Monday, September 21, 2009

Pee already.

Alright ladies.

I am sitting here tonight. It's 11:33pm. I have the STRONGEST compulsion to get a pregnancy test. Actually I have three shoved in the hall closet, but I REALLY want to take one and I REALLY want to see a positive. Trouble is, I REALLY should not be testing until the end of the month. Testing you ask?? YES. Testing. This is the first month Andrew and I allowed for a pregnancy to occur. I was able to start one of my fertility treatments, which showed success, so could this be the month??? Ya think??? Maybe???


What happens if it is not??

I think I might be a little heartbroken. Maybe even a lot. But. I have a plan B. I can go into my OBGYN and get my hands on the other 2 meds I've needed in the past to produce ovulation. So if not this month. Maybe one soon.


I REALLY want it to be this month. Don't you REALLY want it to be this month for me too??


speakingofartistry said...

I really do!!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I really do too!
xoxo & prayers!

Holly said...

YES!! I really want it to be your month! I hate being disappointment month after month.

Pokeyann said...

Fingers and toes crossed!

Kim K F said...

I REALLY do want it to be this month for you.

Lara Neves said...

Oh yes! I do want it to be the month. Sending good vibes your way.

Cheryl said...

all the way from Canada I really want that pee stick to show POSITIVE
But, if it does not.,..I love the plan B and I can sense a pretty darn good fall in the horizon!

Thompson family said...

I'm hoping it's this month!!! You deserve it! XO

Are You Serious! said...

♥ TOTALLY and ABSOULTELY want it to be this month for you!!! :)

S said...

I really, really want this to be your month!!

Gucci Mama said...

I really really want this to be your month too! If you do take a test soon and it is negative, try not to be too disheartened. You CAN get false negatives if you test too early. And if this is not your month, your month is coming soon! Take heart my dear. I'll be praying for you.

MommyIvy said...


Celia said...

BTW....If I hadn't told you yet already (and I think I have like a GAZILLION times) I REALLY want it to be your time this time!

Praying like mad that there is a positive sign and soon!

Celia said...


EMILY G. said...


Jenny Bay said...

I hope it is your month too!! I will definitely keep my fingers crossed!! By the way, what a beautiful video at the top of your blog. Hope you're doing well :)

Anonymous said...

I really hope this time is your time. A negative is so disappointing when you want a positive. Praying ...

Mom Putnam said...

I want it to be your month too more than you know. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed and lots of prayers. Have missed you

Sara said...

I hope it's your month too. Good luck. I am praying for you.

Monica said...

You know my thoughts on the matter ... of course I'm hoping and wishing and praying for you! I'm so happy that it's already time for you to be planning and preparing for a new little one. Hope the timing comes together as fast as your heart wants it to. In the meantime, a saying by Neal A. Maxwell that my family has embraced over the last few years is "Faith in God means faith in His timing." It just makes me happy to know that no matter the timing, I will be back in Utah to celebrate with you whenever your next one makes his/her comes! There's a happy thought! Love you.

Monica said...

What am I saying?! What I meant was, "whenever your next one makes his/her arrival" ... sometimes my typing gets ahead of my brain ... but what isn't ahead of my brain these days?!

Klin said...

You know I do. I hate the let down. It hits hard. I am really good at buying ice cream and listening. At the same time even.

Autumn said...

PEE ALREADY! lol I really want you to see a BFP! I hope and pray it is this month. Now pee already.

Oh I am normally a lurker. :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you & hoping that your wishes & dreams are fullfilled.

American Home said...

Yes, this month!