Meet one of my very best friends: Amy Schmutz. Also meet one of her most beautiful children, Jacob:

Sweet Jacob was born 5 years ago on March 30th. He was born with Anencephaly, like my Isaac was, and died minutes later. She is a woman I can relate to, laugh with, cry with, scream with. I am blessed to have her in my life.
She is one hell of a creative cookie. She's started her own business. She sews trendy MODEST Barbie clothes. You can buy what she has, or she makes custom ordered outfits.
Because she is a DOLL, you can visit her website http://modestbarbie.blogspot.com/ and receive a 15% discount if you mention you read about her on my blog.
Also - - - for a chance to win a FREE outfit, and a 20% discount, post about her business on YOUR blog. Leave me a comment so I can verify said post, and I will put your name in a drawing. You have until the 16th to enter, at which I'll let you know who won.
No... YOU are the doll!!
You know, it's funny that you know her. I think I resently got a friend request from her myspace page! Small world, isn't it?
Don't forget me when your blog goes private!!!!
Hello there, I happened upon your blog. I am so touched with the story of your little Isaac. He looks beautiful... what a heartbreaking story. You have been through so much, and yet you are so positive. I love your blog, and you seem like such a WONDERFUL person! I am a new follower ;)
Um... If I'm on myspace... Nobody told me.
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