
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Water, Giveaways, My Faith Baby, Privacy, and Puppy Dogs.

Spring's in the air. Once the weather hits 70 degrees, the water toys are broken out, and here we go!! I can barely stand the cuteness.

Below is Lily. Lily plays, Lily kisses, Lily cuddles, Lily barks, Lily pees in the house...... I bought her because I needed a baby, and when I loaded her into the cars as my kids shrieked in happiness, I told Andrew that now that I bought a puppy, I'd get pregnant. It worked. I'm pregnant!!! I found out Sunday.

I utterly suck at giveaways. But I have to make them work because I have an awesome opportunity that is well worth the effort. Stayed tuned in the next post.

Before we get to that, I'm not aware that anyone posted about one of my best friends AMY at Modest Barbie . Ya'll could have one won a free outfit!! You can still get a discount, just mention my blog.

Also, the last time I was pregnant I had a giveaway for a pregnancy loss and remembrance bracelet. I miscarried. I disappeared. I now have a WINNER, though: Shelly, from "Seriously, Shelly"! Girl, please get in touch with me! You won!!! Better late then never.... right???!!!

Alright, Ladies, I'm a little afraid to tell you this. But. I can't go to a private status. I know. I'm insane. I own it. My friends tell me it all the time. But. It's too much work. I have to tell you though, I had so many lovely emails and requests to be included. I was seriously touched by the love floating around, out there, just for me!! Thank you, dear friends.

Now. Another thing. If I know you in real life, and even if I don't. If you blab my business I will deny, deny, deny. Especially AT CHURCH. So please don't. Really. And If I get asked questions, especially is I am PREGNANT, I'll kindly let some one know I decline to talk about my private business. I'd really not like to be put in that situation, so please just don't. Please keep my secrets safe, pretty please. And that goes for family, too. That's a huge no no. Please just let me have my dorky blog and let me include family and friends, in person, at the proper time. My lips are sealed, that is, unless you read it here.

So. Pregnant. Again. I am over the moon. And over the moon scared. Really, really, R E A L L Y scared. My focus is on trying to enjoy, and on trying to push the negative energy aside. This really could be a beautiful thing for our family. I'm choosing to embrace it: a faith promoting pregnancy, a faith promoting miracle in a new child.


Gucci Mama said...

Pregnant! YES!!!! I am so, so, so excited for you! I will pray that everything goes well and you have an easy, worry free pregnancy.


Kim said...

Congratulations on the BellyBean!!! My prayers are with you and your sweet family.

Shelly... said...

First of all let me say CONGRATS on the pregnancy! That is sooo awesome. Funny, I read your post only 20 minutes after you posted it. I am behind on my Google Reader by about 1,000 posts. But there are a few blogs that I really enjoy reading and I went to yours--weird thing is you and I are complete opposites but there is something about your writing and honesty that I like. I almost feel guilty because I have been a SLACKER on my blog and was just getting crap from friends a bit ago about my lack of posting. I think I enjoy reading more than I do writing! BTW, your kids look like they are having a blast and that puppy! Don't even get me started on that. I love dogs. Does he have puppy breath?!

Kim said...

P.S. I am so glad that you are not going private. I am not sure that I would be invited to read if you were private, and I am positive that I would miss you sorely. I love your insight and adore your sweet Isaac.

Natalie said...

Congratulations, my friend, love Natalie

Rina said...

Oh I am sniffling over here out of excitement for you. :) Congratulations to you and your lovely family - I cannot WAIT to hear more about the growing bean!!!

Celia said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad you decided not to go private! And that you decided to announce your joyous news!! You already know this, but I am simply OVER THE MOON excited for you!!

And that puppy....Oh my....I wish I lived closer so I could come play with Lily! She is precious! And she worked like a charm.....

The kids look like they had a blast playing on the slip and slide! Summer isn't far away....and then that kind of fun can be had every day.....

The Birthday Group said...

Shouting for joy at your news!!! My prayers will be with you throughout your journey. May God truly bless you.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

A puppy and a baby! Whew, I am tired just thinking about it ;)

I am very happy for you Misty, I hope that this pregnancy is perfect with a perfect ending!


Anonymous said...

Congrat!!!! I just found out I'm pregnant too - we might be due date buddies. And I LOVE how you say "faith baby".

I hope Isaac's pendant arrived safely. :)

Jason, as himself said...

Great photos, what fun, cute puppy, and good news! I'm glad for you, and I'm hoping for the best.

Merry Shipman said...

Love your new post! Love your Good are always in my by two. Misty you are amazing! XXXXOOOO
Love, Merry

Lara Neves said...

Oh Hooray! I am so happy for you!

Emailing you has been on my massive list of stuff to do, but if you do ever go private (giggling at your professed inability to do it...), please add me to your list.

That dog is freaking adorable. I am really wanting a puppy. I'm thinking one just like that.

Again, so thrilled for you!

S said...

So..I've already said congrats in the comment section of the post after this one. I wanted to post here and say that I am so glad that you decided not to leave us!

That puppy is really, really cute!

Rebecca said...

LILY! She is amazing...

Pregnant! YAHOO!

Scared...OF COURSE! real life or not...ABSOLUTELY!

If you did go private, I would lose you...please don't go away from where I can't be.

Keep secrets? Of would be my honor <3

Melissa Joy said...

I just found your blog from Heather Mohr's, and I was overjoyed (and weeping) from reading your blog, and seeing the beautiful video here. Thank you for sharing your heart here.
*So* beautiful.
I have lost 5 little babies, and am expecting #7 right now (we have one little boy on earth). I am due Jan 1, but really - all I can think of is the day to day journey, trying to get through one moment at a time, each by God's great grace. I will keep you in my prayers. I know how hard this journey is, being pregnant after such great loss.
And by the way, I love your necklace! I have one almost exactly like it.
God bless you.

Holly said...

Love all the pics!! :)

Happy to hear of your pregnancy!